Whit Bissell also portrayed the doctor that created the Teenage Werewolf in I Was a Teenage Werewolf (1957).
American International Pictures released this film to many drive-in theaters as the top half of a double feature with Blood of Dracula (1957) with the tagline: "Warning! Can You Take It? Fiendish! Frenzied! Frightening! It Will Haunt You For Days Afterwards!"
Gary Conway (Bob - the Teenage Frankenstein) also played the actor portraying the Teenage Frankenstein in How to Make a Monster (1958).
Early in the film, Professor Frankenstein mentions several times that he is in America on a visa and that when it expires, he will return to England. He has been in the U.S. long enough to lose all traces of an English accent.
The title of this film perpetuates a common misconception. The original novel and the first film clearly establish that "Frankenstein" is the name of the scientist, NOT the unnamed monster; hence, the title of the film makes no sense as it implies that the protagonist is an adolescent mad scientist.