It's a rip-roaring opening and close, but the in-between smacks of tame, high-toned city life. Frog and Gene are out to help local ranchers save their land from timber harvesters who've de-nuded the hillsides, causing mudslides that ruin the land. Sounds like a modern environmental message, especially when Gene and co. want the state to take over the forest and turn it into a protected wildlife park. But to do that, they've got to get political heavy- hitters in the city to support them.
It's not a typical Autry programmer, tamer than usual. No hard riding or fast shooting. There are a couple of gang fights where lumbermen square off against Gene's men.Then too, the song lineup unfortunately is pretty undistinguished for an Autry film. Nonetheless, Frog gets some amusing bits, especially when his down-home ways mix with city sophisticates. Should say those roaring river effects are real well done nail-biters and worth waiting for. Anyway, if you like to see mainly dress-up, this may be your Autry programmer.
A "5", at best, on a matinée scale.