The Big Idea (1917)
** 1/2 (out of 4)
Decent one-reeler has Harold Lloyd trying to save an antique shop and he gets an idea to send out notices that items marked with a "xx" have $10,000 in them. Soon all sorts of people start showing up to buy items but will this scam help impress the girl (Bebe Daniels) he loves? THE BIG IDEA features a couple decent laughs but overall this here isn't quite as good as some of Lloyd's other pictures from this era. I think the best thing this has going for it is the charm of Daniels who certainly steals the picture even though she has the least amount of screen time of any of the named actor. Lloyd is also quite good here even though the screenplay doesn't give him all that much to do. One of the best scenes has him dealing a painting to three people. The joke here is pretty simple but it works. Harry 'Snub' Pollard is on hand but is pretty much wasted in his supporting role. As I said, there are a couple decent laughs to be had here but there just aren't enough to make this a classic or even one of the legends better pictures.