"Rebooted" is a short film with a most unusual leading man...and practically no dialog. However, because it's so short and unusual, I'm choosing not to give this one a rating...I just need more in order to know whether or not I really like the short.
When the film begins, you see a stop-motion skeleton performing in a movie much like the Ray Harryhausen classic, "Jason and the Argonauts". However, since appearing in this film, the skeleton's life has been tough...as jobs in films as a skeleton aren't easy to come by....and now he's being replaced by CGI skeletons! What is he and other traditional non-CGI characters to do?!
Seeing a stop-motion skeleton in the real world is a treat....and it makes it worth seeing. My only concern is that there isn't much to the film...and I think it's because it's more of a calling card for a young filmmaker (Michael Shanks) than a movie. Worth a peek.