Hidden Away (*Volevo nascondermi*) is a poignant and visually striking biopic that delves into the life of Antonio Ligabue, an eccentric and misunderstood figure in modern art. Directed by Giorgio Diritti, the film captures Ligabue's struggles with poverty, isolation, and his unrelenting passion for painting, offering a deeply empathetic perspective on the challenges of genius.
Elio Germano delivers a monumental performance as Ligabue, fully immersing himself in the role with an astounding level of physical and emotional commitment. His ability to convey the artist's torment, joy, and idiosyncrasies elevates the film into a deeply moving character study. Germano's portrayal is a masterclass in mimesis, blurring the lines between actor and subject in a way that feels almost otherworldly.
Diritti's direction stands out for its originality, with a poetic and often impressionistic approach that mirrors Ligabue's art. The cinematography beautifully captures the desolation of the Po floodplains, juxtaposing the harshness of Ligabue's surroundings with the vivid, otherworldly colors of his paintings. The script, while minimalistic, allows the visuals and Germano's performance to take center stage, creating an immersive and meditative experience.
Hidden Away is not just a biopic but a celebration of resilience and creativity in the face of adversity. It's a film that resonates deeply, offering a glimpse into the soul of an artist who found beauty in the margins of life.
8/10 - an original and profoundly moving tribute to the power of art and individuality.