A superbly deep British series that I didn't understand more than half of it and that's not because it was bad, it's because you should probably watch it a dozen times to truly and fully grasp the machination schemes behind it.
Awesome acting by the flawless cast, spearheaded by the ever charismatic and beautiful Holliday Grainger whose dedication and stubbornness were a treat to watch, complemented with a fitting and surreal score.
Desperately awaiting season 2 to shed some more lights on the series' dark webs of conspiracy and the events leading to the final minutes of season 1.
- Screenplay/story: 9
- Development: 9
- Realism: 9.5
- Entertainment: 9
- Acting: 9
- Filming/cinematography: 9
- Visual effects: 9
- Music/score: 9.5
- Depth: 9.5
- Logic: 9
- Flow: 9
- Suspense/drama: 9
- Ending: 8.5.