Eight new animated adventures with Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends Emily, Percy, Gordon and James, on the Island of Sodor. In these episodes, Thomas helps put out a fire on the rails ... Read allEight new animated adventures with Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends Emily, Percy, Gordon and James, on the Island of Sodor. In these episodes, Thomas helps put out a fire on the rails during the hottest day of the year on Sodor and his friends band together during a storm. ... Read allEight new animated adventures with Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends Emily, Percy, Gordon and James, on the Island of Sodor. In these episodes, Thomas helps put out a fire on the rails during the hottest day of the year on Sodor and his friends band together during a storm. Featuring the episodes: Buckled Tracks and Bumpy Trucks, Mucking About, Blown Away, Ryan a... Read all