Matt Besser (Upright Citizen's Brigade), Joe Starr, and Dan Murrell all have pitches for the next big blockbuster "Ferris Bueller's Week Off" but host Doug Benson will only greenlight one of them.
Hal Rudnick, Wayne Federman, and Megan Neuringer all have pitches for the next big blockbuster "The Shawshank Ultimatum," but host Doug Benson will only greenlight one of them.
Graham Elwood, Steve Agee, and Julia Prescott all have pitches for the next big blockbuster "Speed 3," but host Doug Benson will only greenlight one of them.
Nick Rutherford, Kate Micucci, and David Gborie all have pitches for a Wes Anderson Marvel movie but host Doug Benson will only greenlight one of them.
Jade Catta-Pretta, Todd Anderson, and Mark Ellis all have pitches for Adam Sandler's next movie, but host Doug Benson will only greenlight one of them.
Sasha Perl-Raver , Sarah Tiana , and Cody Decker all have pitches for what unexpected film deserves the next LEGO treatment, but host Doug Benson will only greenlight one of them.
Oscar Nunez , Trisha Hershberger, and Megan Neuringer all have pitches for Gritty Movie About Cereal Box Characters, but host Doug Benson will only greenlight one of them.
Guy Branum, Hal Rudnick , and The Puterbaugh Sisters all have pitches for a movie about a car who wants to drive a human, but host Doug Benson will only greenlight one of them.
Tom Thakkar, Joe DeRosa, and Danielle Radford all have pitches for an "old man Logan" style superhero movie, but host Doug Benson will only green light one of them.
Matt Weinhold, Grant Cotter, and Jenny Nicholson all have pitches for the worst Transformers movie ever, but host Doug Benson will only green light one.