Mr. Neighbor (Brian Huskey) leads viewers through his whimsical world of puppets, songs, educational discoveries, and deep seeded emotional issues as he prepares for his 31st Annual 5th Birt... Read allMr. Neighbor (Brian Huskey) leads viewers through his whimsical world of puppets, songs, educational discoveries, and deep seeded emotional issues as he prepares for his 31st Annual 5th Birthday party. The innocence of children's television programming blurs with one man's troubl... Read allMr. Neighbor (Brian Huskey) leads viewers through his whimsical world of puppets, songs, educational discoveries, and deep seeded emotional issues as he prepares for his 31st Annual 5th Birthday party. The innocence of children's television programming blurs with one man's troubled psyche in this comedic half hour take on a live action kid's show, that is too disturbi... Read all