Its astonishing the kind of battering this movie has taken from some critics. I watched it last night after the Royal Wedding (Harry & Meghan). I needed an antidote to a ceremony that had all the trappings of history and state yet seemed in other ways strangely...'other'.
This movie certainly provided the antidote. I enjoyed it for its controversial view of a post Elizabeth II monarchical scenario. I think it scored well in several areas. It underlined the uncertainty arising after 70+ years of Elizabethan rule. That's 3 generations. Assuming Philip would have passed on before the Queen. Charles is shown as 'confused'. Quite probable. However much he prepares himself, the event when it happens will change everything...
There is this question in many minds as to whether Charles will accept the kingship or pass it on to William asap. Then how will the political establishment react to the inevitable passing, esp. in view of a possibly stalling Brexit (not mentioned in the movie but there nonetheless). The relationship between Charles and the political establishment, and his sons, is esp. worth watching...
Tim Piggott-Smith does a very good job as Charles. I think William was also well drawn by the actor playing him. The interplay between William and Kate was fascinating. Is she really so driven? I was less impressed by the way Harry was drawn. Not the actor's fault...The script drew him as weak, muddled, somewhat rebellious and a bit 'out of it'. The Harry we know is gregarious, engaging, very active and dynamic, very much his own man and doing his own thing. But he is also very angry about everything re his late mother and how the Palace treated her. This hardly comes through at all. However, I agree with how the story portrays his relationship to the monarchy v the outside world.
I watched this film online. I'll buy the DVD. Its worth it. It serves to remind people esp. in the UK, that there are ahead no more Royal weddings...only Royal funerals, for Philip then the Queen, within the next 5 yrs? This movie does us a service by helping to prepare people in the UK esp. and worldwide for that experience. When it happens, the world will change. However much anti-monarchists reject this, the British Monarchy is a Force, recognised and celebrated word-wide for 70+ years. When this happens, everything will change, somehow.
I thank the producers for making this movie when they did. There are no spoilers in this review as far as I'm aware.