A year after their mother dies in a mysterious accident, Hayley and her brother Alex attend the Greenhouse - a notoriously competitive leadership school. At home, a strange intruder breaks into the Woods' house.
Louis introduces the opening challenge, pitting the Ravens and Eagles against one another. Alex struggles between his loyalties, and garners unwanted attention in a blog post. The identity and aim of the intruder is revealed.
Daniel deals with a leg injury. The FBI causes complications at the Greenhouse by investigating a missing park ranger. The Eagles approach Alex with a request that ultimately tests his loyalties between his house and his family.
Daniel continues to hide secrets from Brooke. Hayley makes a dramatic decision regarding her relationship with Alex. The Ravens are assigned their first big leadership project. A fisherman finds the missing park ranger's taser gun.
The Eagles play against Whitney. Daniel's injury overpowers him and Judy takes extreme measures to ensure his well-being. Jackie offers to repay Max for his kindness. Daniel endures the consequences of his secrecy, Hayley finds romance.
The Eagles prepare to elect a new captain. Hayley and Leo clash over different priorities. Brooke seeks out electrical advice from Marcus, the Greenhouse custodian. Louis receives VIP invitations to a NASA launch in Ryan Woods' honor.
Inner turmoil infiltrates the Greenhouse as the Eagles struggle to elect a new captain and the Ravens clash on how to solve their biggest leadership challenge yet. Meanwhile, Judy demands that Jason go to the NASA event in Louis' place.
Jason escorts Hayley and Leo to the NASA launch, but is too preoccupied in his secret mission to notice that his students aren't getting along. Meanwhile, Jackie helps Max score a date.
Jason threatens to expel Emma if she exposes their operation. Sophie makes her first big decisions as Eagles Captain. Brooke puts herself in danger after witnessing something that confirms her suspicions.
Eric reads Ryan's letter to Carter, which reveals information about the secret mission. Meanwhile, the Greenhouse students prepare for and attend their Back to the Future themed dance, where there is an unexpected turn of events.
The Ravens reflect on the events from the dance as they clean. Social dynamics begin to change within both the Eagles and Ravens houses. Brooke and Alex reach a conclusion on what they think happened to the missing park ranger.