This is a quirky action comedy thriller. A middle aged irish farmer, Donal still lives with his mum. One night assassins turns up at the farm and kill his mum. Donal is in the garage at the time and sees one of the assassins as he leaves but only before discovering what happened to mum in the house. Donal goes on a journey of revenge with a van and a 12 bore shotgun. The reason for the assassin unfolds as the movie progresses and it isn't fully revealed until very near the end. This adds to the suspense but it does bring with it some confusion.
The inclusion of the comedy allows some, what would otherwise be implausible situations to arise and so lead to a more eventful and entertaining film. The movie is quite tense in parts and the bits of comedy don't spoil that. I was going to rate it at 6.5 but I'll round up to 7 for it's refreshing change to the usual Hollywood take on this genre.
My rating 7/10