The oldest recorded form of the name [Ash Lad] is Oskefis ("ash-blower" - although "fis" has evolved to mean "fart" in modern Norwegian), denoting one who blows the embers to keep the fire going, a job often reserved for the lowest member of the household. In some tales, Askeladden's forename is given as Espen, Svein, Halvor, Lars, Hans, or Tyrihans.
Director Mikkel Brænne Sandemoses grandfather was Bjarne Sandemose. Bjarne Sandemose collaborated with Ivo Caprino on the iconic puppet films in the 50s and 60s, among others "The Seventh Master of the House" (1966) and "The Ashlad and the Hungry Troll"(1967). Sandemose made scenes and technical devices, as well as complicated cameras that made the recordings possible.
Based on a Norwegian folktale by Peter Christen Asbjørnsen & Jørgen Moe.
Espen's kindly father is played by Thorbjørn Harr who also played the fierce in battle but duplicitous Jarl Borg in the History Channel series Vikings