I never played much of the original (but obviously heard tell of how imaginative it was) - whenever I tried it just felt dated.
Well this isn't dated at all. It's one of few recent games that makes me feel like we're in the "next gen". Not because it's got hyper detailed graphics or mechanics, but because it seems to push the enveloppe for the medium of gaming, and is just packed to the brim with meticulous design.
It's one of those games that goes exceptionally well with some smoke (if you like to indulge), and pulls you into a wondrous and charming world that makes you recall what it was like to play a really immersive video game for the first time as a child.
You keep playing not because of a gimmicky gameplay loop, not because you're trying to get that dopamine hit from progression, or any of the other cheap tricks games use to keep a player invested. Rather, you keep playing to see what fresh wonders lie around the corner. There is an element of RPG progression in leveling up your powers and buying a few items that modify them, and then there's the collectibles (which I typically don't care for in games), but that's secondary to what really makes this game compelling - the spectacular level design and the way it's integrated into the world and the narrative.
Every moment is packed with character, artistry, dazzling visuals and mind-bending and challenging gameplay.
The writing is charming, wholesome and (amazingly, given how 'out there' the world building is) grounded and mature enough to have the broadest appeal possible. It's like a Pixar movie or something - I would eagerly encourage young gamers to try this out (it's liable to spark a love for gaming in kids IMO) but at the same time everything here is of a calibre to easily appeal to the old timer who's been playing games for a decade and has seen everything.
It's hard to find anything to complain about. I don't even like platformers - in fact I usually dislike them. There's nothing I hate more than wandering around aimlessly trying to figure out "what is the game telling me to do??" or painstakingly trial/error your way through some small corner of the level that wasn't even meant to be difficult - and platformers seem to have that problem a lot (for me anyways). Well Psychonauts 2 doesn't have that problem at all. The gameplay strikes a perfect balance of intuitive and challenging, everything reads on screen very well, and from beginning to end at no points did I find my immersion in the world was compromised by poor game design.
The game takes you along for a wild, colorful, endearing and unforgettable ride that is just overflowing with creativity, finesse, imagination and charm. It's well worth anybody's time. There's a few releases these last two years that have rekindled my love and hope for games as the cutting edge in escapism, both artistically and technically. Psychonauts 2 is definitely one of them.
I know it's a lame thing to say ("durr you gotta get HiGh tO pLaY ThIS gAmE mAn.."), but I really can't understate how well this game goes with a bit of cannabis. People think you smoke to make a poor game seem good, but it isn't like that at all. If anything I find I get more critical of games while stoned, and demand more variety and detail than I would sober. Well this game delivers big time to the sativa-blazed gamer like very few do - constantly throwing you in new and distinct levels with completely unique styles. It's a wonderful world to get lost in.