I'll say right off the bat, I didn't really know who Jordan Peele was coming into this movie. I knew he had a show with Keegan-Michael Key and was a comedian of sorts. What I didn't know was that hiding underneath all that was a genuine fan of classic horror just waiting to get out.
Get Out surprised me for a number of reasons. The first is it kept me wondering what exactly was going on. There was just enough there to build atmosphere and tension without giving away the surprise. And it was delivered with such skill and care that It truly unfolded masterfully. You know something is wrong. You know something is up. But you can't quite figure out what it is.
And secondly this was the work of a first time director. It's rare that you get a movie written and directed by the same person on their first attempt and they manage to hit it out of the park.
And lastly, it gave us something new. This is possibly the best aspect because I am sick to death of cookie cutter horror movies. People nowadays have forgotten that horror doesn't just mean blood and guts. Before directors had to create tension and atmosphere by building the plot and unraveling the story slowly. It's refreshing to see this done with such care.
Is it a perfect movie? No it isn't, but it's damn good especially if you're in the mood for a good psychological thriller with horror overtones.