Deep State is a British television espionage thriller series, written and created by Matthew Parkhill and Simon Maxwell, that first broadcast in the United Kingdom on Fox on 5 April 2018.
The series premiered in the United States on 17 June 2018 on Epix.
As well as co-creating the series, Matthew Parkhill also serves as showrunner, executive producer and director of four of the eight episodes.
Mark Strong (Max Easton) has played in multiple spy movies and roles: Body of Lies (2008) - Hani; Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011) - Jim Prideaux; Zero Dark Thirty (2012) - George; The Imitation Game (2014) - Stewart Menzies; Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014) - Merlin; Grimsby (2016) - Sebastian; The Catcher Was a Spy (2018) - Werner Heisenberg.
The series is produced by Endor Productions for the Fox Networks Group of Europe and Africa.