I watched the first two episodes and these are my thoughts.
Plot - This very concept, while interesting-ish, seems specifically designed to make you feel sad. It is an idea that people who are very easily brought to tears will call "brilliant or interesting" simply because it brought them to tears. I am not one of these people. I don't like wasting my time where the only appeal is that it will "make you cry" and not interesting characters or world building. I watched these two episodes on CrunchyRoll, and when checked the comments, everyone was going on about how sad it was and only how sad it was. Based off of everything in this show, I think its safe to say that all it has going for it is the premise. If this premise was more fleshed out, I would probably enjoy it better, but I think its safe to say that this predictable nonsense isn't planning on doing something like that.
Characters - The voice acting (I watched with the Japanese dub) is alright, nothing special. The characters are all cliches. When checking in the comments of episode two, the only comment not talking about how sad the show was said and I copy/paste "she tsundere as f*ck" but without the censorship. (actually now that I'm looking there were a lot of comments about how the red-haired girl is a cliche tsundere. All the other characters fall under other cliches, but this was the most prominent one at the beginning. Also the purple-haired girl is a loli. I would not be surprised if this show turned into a harem anime based off of all the fan service, and all the girls being attracted to the main dude, who is basically a blank slate.
Visuals - The art is ok, if a bit generic. The animation however is pretty bad. Even for anime the jerky way the characters move around is pretty cringeworthy.
Overall, that's all I have to say about this show. I wouldn't recommend it, unless you are the kind of person who enjoys shallow and manipulative media designed to make you cry.