This story is as much about a young woman finding out about herself as it is a romance. Actually, probably more so. I think it does fairly well at examining Emma's struggle and showing how she deals with it.
One of the clichés is the young woman torn between two worlds. That part reminds me a little of all the "royal" movies that are so popular. The Englisher world is by no means royal, and most of us can understand many of the drawbacks, but Emma is faced with how different that world is from the one she has known. There are some thought provoking moments such as the grass-is-greener syndrome.
If there is a stereotype, one might conclude from the movie something about all Englisher men, and it's not good. Meanwhile, Amish men are gentlemen, right?
The movie is based loosely on a book by almost the same name Love Finds You in Charm, Ohio. There are no glaring differences that I can remember. One thing I like about both the movie and the book is that neither is judgmental about the Amish. I like that Emma and Kelly can really be friends. Also, like the book, the movie brings up trusting and following God, but I wouldn't say either is preachy.
I imply that the romance is not the central aspect of the movie. So I don't consider it negative when I say that the chemistry between Trevor Donovan and Danielle C. Ryan isn't overwhelming. There's some, but the movie didn't focus enough on just the two of them to make it much more than that.
The conclusion is a little rushed. It jumps from a conflict right into the expected outcome and then moves quickly into an epilogue.
I liked this movie because I watch a (very) lot of Hallmark and UpTV rom/drams and rom/coms and this was different enough to be refreshing.