Horror films shot in the woods have always been one of my favourite settings, I find the vast stretches of wilderness brings about a mysterious yet ominous atmosphere where anything can happen. "Cub" is no exception here, as we follow the young cub scout troop as they set up camp in a pocket of woods that the locals absolutely refuse to enter.
I'm going to be vague here as "Cub" is quite an extraordinary story that doesn't always play into the common horror tropes and actually explores the consequences of bullying and the issues that arise from dysfunctional families. There are numerous surprises throughout the film and a great twist ending that you won't see coming. Besides the scenic Belgian landscapes the film is beautifully shot and contains an eerie score courtesy of composer Steve Moore.
"Cub" is an interesting film as it starts out as a kind of a introduction horror movie for young fans of the genre but then transitions into a pretty violent and graphic horror film. It has a fairly large kill count with a few deaths occurring off screen but also several of them that are savage and gory. The practical makeup effects are quite impressive and very realistic. Unfortunately there is a death scene involving a dog that is very violent and I understand it's part of the character development in this particular instance, but this is one of my biggest pet peeves in horror films.
Refreshing and unique horror film that's not without its problems, but the positives vastly outweigh any negatives. Recommended.
I'm going to be vague here as "Cub" is quite an extraordinary story that doesn't always play into the common horror tropes and actually explores the consequences of bullying and the issues that arise from dysfunctional families. There are numerous surprises throughout the film and a great twist ending that you won't see coming. Besides the scenic Belgian landscapes the film is beautifully shot and contains an eerie score courtesy of composer Steve Moore.
"Cub" is an interesting film as it starts out as a kind of a introduction horror movie for young fans of the genre but then transitions into a pretty violent and graphic horror film. It has a fairly large kill count with a few deaths occurring off screen but also several of them that are savage and gory. The practical makeup effects are quite impressive and very realistic. Unfortunately there is a death scene involving a dog that is very violent and I understand it's part of the character development in this particular instance, but this is one of my biggest pet peeves in horror films.
Refreshing and unique horror film that's not without its problems, but the positives vastly outweigh any negatives. Recommended.