Oliver Stone is an incredibly talented film director and screenwriter...and it's hard to argue otherwise with films like "Platoon" and "Wall Street" to his credits. His films look great, often feature amazing actors and are very entertaining. But he also plays VERY loose with the facts in some of his films and TV projects. Dare I say he's delusional...or perhaps he knows his films play VERY fast and loose with the facts. Regardless, a few of his films, though very well made, are also pretty irresponsible...and this is the case with "JFK". The film looks great...but it also is filled with paranoid conspiracies and really might leave viewers thinking he's right...when he simply makes things up. As such, "JFK" is best seen as fiction.
The story begins with the John Kennedy assassination in 1963. It then soon skips ahead a few years and you see that an FBI agent, Jim Garrison (Kevin Costner) is STILL investigating the case in his spare time, as he's convinced that the timeline presented by the Warren Commission (the folks in charge of investigating the assassination) are wrong. All sorts of other accounts for the assassination are explored and given great credence...so much so that audience members will likely assume all this mumbo-jumbo is real...which it's not.
So, we have a very well acted, well constructed and entertaining film...which is based on strange theories and delusions. Just be aware of this before you watch.
The story begins with the John Kennedy assassination in 1963. It then soon skips ahead a few years and you see that an FBI agent, Jim Garrison (Kevin Costner) is STILL investigating the case in his spare time, as he's convinced that the timeline presented by the Warren Commission (the folks in charge of investigating the assassination) are wrong. All sorts of other accounts for the assassination are explored and given great credence...so much so that audience members will likely assume all this mumbo-jumbo is real...which it's not.
So, we have a very well acted, well constructed and entertaining film...which is based on strange theories and delusions. Just be aware of this before you watch.