Not sure I've ever seen a movie that had nearly all 1's and 10's.. The 10's were probably family, friends and folks who just got that vibe that clicked at this point in their lives.. The 1's are probably those with great expectations who were looking for something specific.. To them I would say avoid theater at all costs.. The moon may be made out of cardboard and without a sense of imagination and wonder you'll be disappointed.. 🙄 Obviously it's an Indy made on a cheap budget, but once you get past all that just appreciate it for what it is, a simple story with an intended message.. Sometimes that's all the entertainment I need.. I gave it the same score as Michael Bay's last film.. There are at least 3 good character actors I've seen for years and that was a pleasant surprise.. They probably didn't make much, but maybe they had fun as their contribution was appreciated by me.. If you can understand it for what it is, a simple low budget Indy then homely you'll find it worth your while.. I look forward to seeing more of Stapp's work.. 🤗