Most people believe in God. Some do not. If God exists, He must be so ashamed of us as His creation. He didn't create religion. We did, and we've done a poor job of if. We twist it to create divisions among us. We allow religious leader to pop up who tell us the ways we must show our faith and obedience to God, and who point to others as "bad."
We all believe in the same God. We just worship Him in different ways. Who is right? Probably none of us. But if we continue to allow our faiths to create ways to separate ourselves from one another, we are wrong. We are all God's creation.
My faith? Honor God, and treat one another as we would want to be treated.
And put perverts like Warren Jeffs in jail for being the pervert he is.
We all believe in the same God. We just worship Him in different ways. Who is right? Probably none of us. But if we continue to allow our faiths to create ways to separate ourselves from one another, we are wrong. We are all God's creation.
My faith? Honor God, and treat one another as we would want to be treated.
And put perverts like Warren Jeffs in jail for being the pervert he is.