There are now a lot of halfway houses in every large metropolitan center and
alcoholics had them before, note I'll Cry Tomorrow. But Synanon based in San
Diego was founded by Chuck Dederich a recovering alcoholic played here by
Edmond O'Brien and is for folks looking to kick all kinds of addictions.
Which back then heroin was the drug of choice and still is for many. With an eclectic cast the story primarily focuses on three house residents, Stella Stevens who abandoned family and baby for junk, Alex Cord who is essentially a punk who won't take any responsibilities for anything and Chuck Connors who is a parolee and a junkie who just takes it one day at a time.
Connors and Cord have history from the joint and Cord is trying to push a confrontation with Connors. As the rules of Synanon include no fighting Connors is using a lot of willpower to prevent that. And they both have the hots for Stevens.
Cord really takes the acting honors from this film. He's such a loathsome little punk. And Stevens who normally did light material shows some real acting chops here.
Synanon is dated, but still has a powerful message.
Which back then heroin was the drug of choice and still is for many. With an eclectic cast the story primarily focuses on three house residents, Stella Stevens who abandoned family and baby for junk, Alex Cord who is essentially a punk who won't take any responsibilities for anything and Chuck Connors who is a parolee and a junkie who just takes it one day at a time.
Connors and Cord have history from the joint and Cord is trying to push a confrontation with Connors. As the rules of Synanon include no fighting Connors is using a lot of willpower to prevent that. And they both have the hots for Stevens.
Cord really takes the acting honors from this film. He's such a loathsome little punk. And Stevens who normally did light material shows some real acting chops here.
Synanon is dated, but still has a powerful message.