All the shows and movies that are created today get no credit. If it doesn't have drugs sex and rock in roll in it then your not interested. If you simply don't like it then its automatically bad for you and for everyone else. Well i don't want anyone speaking for me. When it comes down to not like the characters for the way they are in the movies and TV shows everyone gets them confused with the actual actor. Im sorry don't remember them all having the ability to become more than one person at a time. Only through their acting is this done. I do believe that they are all laughing all the way to the bank whether or not you like them or not. Since when did we all become producers of movies and TV. This constant basting the characters and the shows is the reason they don't last as long as they should. One one gives anything a good try anymore. You don't finish watching or watch movie just cause your curious. A lot of people don't finish watching a TV series because they it doesn't meet your standards of how people or children should act. YOU CANT PLEASE EVERYONE. EVERYONE KEEPS IT UP ALL WE ARE GOING TO HAVE ARE REALILTY SHOWS THAT NOW ONE WANTS TO WATCH. THE ONLY THING WE WILL BE ABLE TO DO IS WATCH OLD MOVIES AND SHOWS AND WONDER WHY THEY Don't MAKE THEM ANYMORE.