This show doesn't deserve the title Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the show I watched was the one back in 2004 2005 now that was a good show this one is just terrible the storyline for just this whole thing in general are lame Donatello being in love with April Casey Jones act like a dork Raphael have pet Leonardo being a fan of comics the way splinter acts, leather head being mutated by the Krang he was mutated my agent bishop, the way Stockman acts, shredder Bring nothing more than just a nuisance, The jokes are tacky voice actors do a terrible job I mean the animation sucks, lets see what else oh *spoiler alert* not that i care* Kurai being splinter's daughter splinter never talks about his master Yoshi the use of karate terms when they are NINJA TURTLES not KARATE TURTLES