HBO's new show "The Brink" tells the story of the U.S. government and their attempts at foreign affair through dark comedy and satire. Without spoiling anything, the show brings you around the world as you follow characters like Alex Talbot (Jack Black), Walter Larson (Tim Robbins), and Zeke Tilson (Pablo Schreiber) through U.S. government and military scramble to prevent World War 3 from happening.
It's been a long time since I actually found a TV show this funny. The cast in this show are fantastic; Jack Black, Tim Robbins, and Pablo Schreiber really sell the show for me along with many other supporting actors. When I first saw Jack Black, I thought his performance was going to be over the top with crazy expressions and hand gestures, but I'm glad that he toned it down. Don't get me wrong, I love Jack Black. I just didn't think that his performance in Tenacious D was going to work in here. Compared to the movies he usually does, The Brink combines a serious, suspenseful, and playful tone at the same time.
In conclusion, the pacing in this movie is really good, this is not the type of show that has a lot of background story in character development. They are more concerned with the present and fast paced movie that gives you suspense and a good laugh. Overall, I'm really impressed with this show and I hope it goes on for many more seasons!
It's been a long time since I actually found a TV show this funny. The cast in this show are fantastic; Jack Black, Tim Robbins, and Pablo Schreiber really sell the show for me along with many other supporting actors. When I first saw Jack Black, I thought his performance was going to be over the top with crazy expressions and hand gestures, but I'm glad that he toned it down. Don't get me wrong, I love Jack Black. I just didn't think that his performance in Tenacious D was going to work in here. Compared to the movies he usually does, The Brink combines a serious, suspenseful, and playful tone at the same time.
In conclusion, the pacing in this movie is really good, this is not the type of show that has a lot of background story in character development. They are more concerned with the present and fast paced movie that gives you suspense and a good laugh. Overall, I'm really impressed with this show and I hope it goes on for many more seasons!