Errol Flynn made some of the best and most exciting WW2 films. Here he's part of an ensemble in this story about a small Norwegian fishing village under Nazi occupation. Many of the villagers want to fight back against their occupiers but they have no weapons. Errol Flynn and Ann Sheridan are the two main leaders of this resistance group. Sheridan's father Walter Huston wishes to avoid fighting and wait the war out. Then you have her uncle and brother, who are Nazi collaborators. Eventually tensions within the village boil over and the citizens revolt against the evil Nazis.
The cast is excellent. In addition to the three big stars I list above, who all do commendable work, there's an outstanding supporting cast. Judith Anderson is a ballsy resistance fighter who is in love with one of the Nazis but doesn't let that sway her loyalty. Ruth Gordon gives one of her patented sensitive and soft-spoken performances. Charles Dingle and John Beal play the rat bastards who sell their own out to the enemy. One of them has a moment of redemption by the end. Morris Carnovsky is extraordinary as an elderly man who stands up to the Nazis despite the danger. Roman Bohnen is a scene stealer as a patriot who has to overcome his fear. Helmut Dantine plays the scar-faced Nazi in charge of the occupation. Many other fine actors in small parts, some of whom may only get one scene to make an impact but they make the most of it.
Powerful script, beautiful cinematography, and excellent direction. The climactic battle scene is intense. It's an unflinching war movie with little to no comic relief, a rarity for Warner Bros, who usually threw Alan Hale or somebody into these pictures to add some lighter moments. But this is a serious movie about bravery and the sacrifices that so many made in the war. The story doesn't call for lightheartedness. It's one of the best war movies Flynn or WB made.
The cast is excellent. In addition to the three big stars I list above, who all do commendable work, there's an outstanding supporting cast. Judith Anderson is a ballsy resistance fighter who is in love with one of the Nazis but doesn't let that sway her loyalty. Ruth Gordon gives one of her patented sensitive and soft-spoken performances. Charles Dingle and John Beal play the rat bastards who sell their own out to the enemy. One of them has a moment of redemption by the end. Morris Carnovsky is extraordinary as an elderly man who stands up to the Nazis despite the danger. Roman Bohnen is a scene stealer as a patriot who has to overcome his fear. Helmut Dantine plays the scar-faced Nazi in charge of the occupation. Many other fine actors in small parts, some of whom may only get one scene to make an impact but they make the most of it.
Powerful script, beautiful cinematography, and excellent direction. The climactic battle scene is intense. It's an unflinching war movie with little to no comic relief, a rarity for Warner Bros, who usually threw Alan Hale or somebody into these pictures to add some lighter moments. But this is a serious movie about bravery and the sacrifices that so many made in the war. The story doesn't call for lightheartedness. It's one of the best war movies Flynn or WB made.