From the start, it was unbearable to watch Marina Sirtis try a southern accent. She was never a great actress, her only claim to fame being the annoying Betazoid on STNG. And her acting was painful there. I seem to remember her in another SciFi disaster flick and her acting there was only marginally better. I thought she'd ruin this movie. But she didn't, she only made the torture more unbearable. To this they added two panting, sweating, whiny-voiced porn stars in unnecessary roles. What in theory should have been a good plot line was ruined by crummy dialog, trite and tiresome clichés, and horrendous acting. This was a disastrous movie, even by SyFy "original" standards.
Review of Annihilation Earth
Annihilation Earth
(2009 TV Movie)
Don't bother... the ending doesn't justify the means of getting there
12 December 2009