My mom (a hard-core Lutheran) thought this movie, "Jesus Christ Superstar" would deepen our faith in religion. She took me (age 12), my brother (age 14), my sister (age 11) and several neighborhood kids all the way across town where our minds proceeded to be "blown" in the most amazing, positive way! Those were the days when you could stay and watch the movie over and over and over (without buying another ticket). I walked out of the Georgetown Theatre in Indianapolis, Indiana suddenly knowing that somewhere in this big bleak world, I may actually fit in for once. All the previously-boring religious training I'd endured (parochial school) suddenly made some kind of sense and my idea of who and what God is, was and could be was changed forever! I still watch this film when I feel down and out and always feel spiritually renewed. The dancing, costumes, singing, story, cinematography, not to mention the hippie-themed visual fun-fest continues to thrill and amaze me! I give it two thumbs way way way up! P.S. I watched it three times that August day back in time I EVER invested.