This was one of my favorite shows as a kid. I gotta tell you, I haven't thought about this show in a long time until I went to and saw the intros. It brought back my love for the show and some very cool memories. I remember the kids hanging out in a mall-like setting and the kids singing like they were rock stars in a huge concert hall. I do not remember a lot of the kids on the show or the skits but I do recall the show being a lot of fun with a lot of awesome music. I liked Jennifer Love Hewitt and wanted to be her. lol I also recall having a big crush on Ryan Lambert(he was such a cutie with those big, beautiful brown and killer smile). I wanted to be on this show so bad, that I would often daydream, pretending to be one of the kids on the show, singing and dancing. I would love for this show to come back. It was very positive and up lifting and made everyone feel good. Disney channel, bring this show back!! God bless