"Girls of the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas" is the title of this playboy video. However, there's only one woman who actually works at the Hotel in this video. The rest are babes who playboy shipped to the place for some skits or who seem to hang around the place looking for a rich multi-millionaire to walk in the door. That's not to say it's a horrible thing but it is a little deceiving what the video is conveying: that these are women who have a professional association with the Hard Rock.
I like the skits. The waitress who gets it on with the two babes is my favorite but the one with the female rock stars and the gambling chicks also is good. The two outside fantasies with multiple women is awesome also.
Overall, it's a fun video for a bunch of guys to watch on a night and then decide to go to the Hotel and Casino within the next weeks for some R&R!
I like the skits. The waitress who gets it on with the two babes is my favorite but the one with the female rock stars and the gambling chicks also is good. The two outside fantasies with multiple women is awesome also.
Overall, it's a fun video for a bunch of guys to watch on a night and then decide to go to the Hotel and Casino within the next weeks for some R&R!