The acting is unconvincing, and the subject matter forcibly emphasizes the topic of sex, to the point where it defeats the purpose); while these factors are common in some contemporary sitcoms, this show takes them to an extreme. Also, the writing lacks creativity - the word "shitty" was used to describe a kid's drawing on the show, the dialogue and script was far too canned and contrived, the plot was predictable and simultaneously felt very unnatural (even for a sitcom), and it was flat-out boring, as the plot pandered about a singular menial premise. Judging by the trailers advertising this show leading up to its premiere, I didn't have such high hopes for this show, but I decided to give it a chance anyway - I came away very disappointed.
I watch sitcoms on a regular basis, and as far as this show goes, it falls decisively flat on its face. It's bad enough that the writing and acting are both terrible, but the plot and premise are also pointless - I will be very surprised if the show is renewed for a second season.