If you are looking for a typical, mindless, constantly funny stand-up comedy show, move along, this is not it. But if you enjoy thought provoking entertainment and dark, witty, raw, psychological humor and can appreciate longer build ups to a punchline, you need to watch this masterpiece.
I saw this released today on HBO Max having never heard of Drew Michael before, checked the reviews on here to see what the people were saying and immediately knew it was up my alley.
I enjoyed every single bit of this special. Drew is a brilliant comedian, and has an incredible way with words-I was completely enthralled with every setup, no matter how long it took to get to each "punchline."
This is one of the best comedy specials I have ever seen-number one being Bo Burnham's mind-blowingly amazing work of art "Inside." The last "bit" of Red Blue Green (more like a beautiful, heart wrenching monologue) was INCREDIBLE. It KNOCKED MY METAPHORICAL SOCKS OFF.
If you identify with any of the things I mentioned above, PLEASE watch this. You're welcome. Now I can't wait to watch his other special that was heavily criticized and under-appreciated by the same people that wrote bad reviews for this one.