War Planets has great voice work, characterization, and the animation is the best of all the three SF shows that Mainframe/Alliance has produced. Yet it is an ultimate letdown in writing. The seasons have what I call "mini-arcs" which is to say that after a series of one-shot episodes, we finally try to do something noteworthy. Most of the time, the mini-arcs are fairly good, but are a bit flat because there is no building tension. If focus could be shifted to court intrigues and smaller conflicts within the Alliance, perhaps we might have a better show, but these is a side of WP that has remained woefully untapped for the most part. The opening episodes of the series, for instance, could have been extended and more laid out, but instead Graveheart is exiled too easily. The standard cliches of action animation are glaring here, with plots that seem quick and sometimes banal.