This movie defines the term "camp value". Not much to it, your typical wronged woman wants to wreak havek story. Only in this movie, we get it supernatural style. Great special effects and alot of pure camp-but that does not a good movie make.
It looked like the makers and the cast had a good time with this one. But there really isn't much here to make the movie a really good one. The story is as old as they come, the only difference is it's got the added bonus of the "alex character" possessing powers. It maybe worth checking out for the campiness but there isn't anything else to it to make it good.
The problem is the campiness of the special effects and unoriginality of the story drain you after awhile and there's no added bonueses worth setting this movie apart from a million other movies in the "stalker genre". I'd rate this 4 of 10.Great title though!