"Once You Kiss a Stranger" is a fun little "Strangers on a Train" retread that swaps in a female antagonist and golf in place of tennis. Gamine, fashionable Carol Lynley takes on the neurotic Robert Walker role, and she has some delightfully eccentric moments. In the opening scene, Lynley shoots a child's beachball with a harpoon for daring to intrude on her private beach! She later tries to force her cat into the fridge for daring to lap up a bit of her glass of milk. Thankfully, she fails in her effort, only later to be seen reading a book on how to train one's cat. Her various attempts at vehicular manslaughter are also cheerfully bonkers: golf carts and dune buggies have never been so terrifying!
Despite the noirish plot, the movie is very brightly lit, with nary a shadow to be found. It has the very staid look of a made-for-TV movie, and would have benefited from an injection of directorial flair. Still, this curious thriller is great fun for lovers of camp.