Val Semure
- Actress
- Director
- Writer
Val Semure has a degree in Audiovisual Communication by Complutense University
of Madrid. She specialized in Screenwriting with Juan Antonio Porto and Joaquín
Oristrell, among others. While she was studying Dubbing and Interpretation with
Salvador Arias.
As a screenwriter she founded - Entre Guiones - They won first prize for Best Short
Film Screenplay at the International Festival of La Almunia de Doña Godina with
Tiempo de Violetas.
He has studied Camera Acting with Assumpta Serna and Scott Cleverdon. She
performed in the campaigns Si tu hijo calla, habla by El Play and in El Sr. Destino
elige a 1 de cada 5 by Blur Producciones. She was directed by Marc Vigil in the TV
serie El Cid by Zebra Producciones for Prime Video. And she performed in Jarana, a
videoclip by Rayden. She has acted in 9 short films too.
She has made his debut directing short films with Dientes limpios, corazón... (Clean
teeth, dirty...) and Don Juan 2.0, both produced by Familia de Cine. Don Juan 2.0.
was selected by Lift Off Sesions, was finalist in Corto Cortismo and is in Clemort
Ferrand International Short Film Festival Market.
Her last performance is in El cuarto pasajero by @Alex de la Iglesia.