- (1932 - 1944) Active on Broadway in the following productions:
- (1934) Stage Play: Wrong Number. Comedy.
- (1936) Stage Play: American Holiday. Written by Edwin L. Barker and Albert Wineman Barker. Scenic Design by Tom Adrian Cracraft. Directed by Halsted Welles [credit as Halstead Welles], Lucius Cook [credited as Lucius Moore Cook] and Agnes Morgan, under the supervision of Edward T. Goodman. Manhattan Theatre: 21 Feb 1936- Mar 1936 (closing date unknown/223 performances). Cast: Alfredo Allegro (as "Mr. Epstein"), Leopold Badia (as "Charles Copenhaver"), Whit Bissell [credited as Whitner Bissell] (as "Jack Hollister"), Lois Bolton (as "Mrs. McCarter"), Doan Borrup (as "First Alienist"), Ronald Brogan (as "Orvie Gibbs"), Henry Buckler (as "Hanvey Hollister"), Charles Burrows (as "Second Alienist"), Suzanne Caubaye (as "Miss Larue"), Jack Egan (as "Ripley"), Bessie English (as "Mrs. Huggins"), Charles Esdale (as "Orvie's Uncle"), James Fallon (as "George Manley"), Julia Fassett (as "Miss Mary"), Elinor Flynn (as "Julianna Copenhaver"), Edward Forbes (as "Neal McCarter"), Louis Frohoff (as "Dr. Rudd"), Tom Greenway (as "Jimmie Ward"), Pearl Hight (as "Orvie's Aunt"), Paul Jachia (as "Messenger boy"), John Junior (as "Clem Ferris"), Walter Lawrence (as "Sheriff Tom Dillard"), Jon Lormer (as "Joe Lash"), George MacEntee (as "Mr. Huggins"), Lewis McMichael (as "Blaine"), Elizabeth Morgan (as "Marcia Hollister"), Martin Noble (as "A Guest"), Gladys Parke (as "Bessie Kinnealy"), Walter Pinge (as "Rev. Sweet"), George Probert (as "Newt Sproegel"), Janet Rathbun (as "Whoopee Ruby Somers"), Dan Tobin (as "Burke"), Charles Wagenheim (as "Ike"), Alan Wallace (as "Man with Balloons"), Bert Wilcox (as "State Senator Gibbs"). Produced by Popular Price Theatre of The Federal Theatre Project of the WPA.
- (1936) Stage Play: American Holiday. Written by Edwin L. Barker and Albert Wineman Barker. Scenic Design by Tom Adrian Cracraft. Directed by Halsted Welles [credit as Halstead Welles] (earliest Broadway credit), Lucius Cook [credited as Lucius Moore Cook] and Agnes Morgan, under the supervision of Edward T. Goodman. Manhattan Theatre: 21 Feb 1936- Mar 1936 (closing date unknown/223 performances). Cast: Alfredo Allegro (as "Mr. Epstein"), Leopold Badia (as "Charles Copenhaver"), Whit Bissell [credited as Whitner Bissell] (as "Jack Hollister"), Lois Bolton (as "Mrs. McCarter"), Doan Borrup (as "First Alienist"), Ronald Brogan (as "Orvie Gibbs"), Henry Buckler (as "Hanvey Hollister"), Charles Burrows (as "Second Alienist"), Suzanne Caubaye (as "Miss Larue"), Jack Egan (as "Ripley"), Bessie English (as "Mrs. Huggins"), Charles Esdale (as "Orvie's Uncle"), James Fallon (as "George Manley"), Julia Fassett (as "Miss Mary"), Elinor Flynn (as "Julianna Copenhaver"), Edward Forbes (as "Neal McCarter"), Louis Frohoff (as "Dr. Rudd"), Tom Greenway (as "Jimmie Ward"), Pearl Hight (as "Orvie's Aunt"), Paul Jachia (as "Messenger boy"), John Junior (as "Clem Ferris"), Walter Lawrence (as "Sheriff Tom Dillard"), Jon Lormer (as "Joe Lash"), George MacEntee (as "Mr. Huggins"), Lewis McMichael (as "Blaine"), Elizabeth Morgan (as "Marcia Hollister"), Martin Noble (as "A Guest"), Gladys Parke (as "Bessie Kinnealy"), Walter Pinge (as "Rev. Sweet"), George Probert (as "Newt Sproegel"), Janet Rathbun (as "Whoopee Ruby Somers"), Dan Tobin (as "Burke"), Charles Wagenheim (as "Ike"), Alan Wallace (as "Man with Balloons"), Bert Wilcox (as "State Senator Gibbs"). Produced by Popular Price Theatre of The Federal Theatre Project of the WPA.
- (1937) Stage Play: The Star-Wagon. Drama/fantasy. Written by Maxwell Anderson. Musical Director: Albert Pearl. Directed by Guthrie McClintic. Empire Theatre: 29 Sep 1937- Apr 1938 (closing date unknown/223 performances). Cast: Lillian Gish (as "Martha Minch"), Burgess Meredith (as "Stephen Minch"), Evelyn Abbott, Alan Anderson, Whit Bissell (as "Park"), Jane Buchanan, Russell Collins (as "Hanus Wicks"), Charles Forrester, Howard Freeman, William Garner, Barry Kelley, Mildred Natwick (as "Mrs. Rutledge"), Edmond O'Brien (as "Paul Reiger"), John Philliber, Edith Smith, Kent Smith (as "Duffy"), Muriel Starr (as "Angela/Herb Woman"), J. Arthur Young. Produced by Guthrie McClintic.
- (1939) Stage: Appeared (as "Karl, age 21") in "American Way" on Broadway. Written by George S. Kaufman (also director) and Moss Hart. Scenic Design by Donald Oenslager. Costume Design by Irene Sharaff. Lighting Design by Hassard Short. Scene Technician for Mr. Oenslager: Isaac Benesch. Assistant to Miss Sharaff: Anna Hill Johnstone and Florence Keady. Press Representative: John Peter Toohey. Conducted by Oscar Levant. Center Theatre: 21 Jan 1939-Jun 1939 (closing date unknown/164 performances). Cast: Fredric March (as "Martin Gunther"), Florence Eldridge (as "Irma Gunther"), McKay Morris (as "Samuel Brockton"), Ruth Weston (as "Winifred Baxter"), Eve Abbott, Albert Amato, Jack Arnold (as "Ed Lorenz"), Suzanne Ashbrook, Cathie Bailey, Alan Bandler, Bobby Barron, Robin Batcheller, Vivian Baule, Joseph Beale, Walter Beck (as "A Minister"), Herman Belmonte, Mary Bennett, Ronald Bennett, Evelyn Bernie, Milton Blumenthal, Orin Borston, Mary Brandon, Louise Buck, Buddy Buehler, Eileen Burns, Joe Bush, Hugh Cameron (as "Mayor McEvoy"), Eleanore Campsall, Gloria Carey, Gerry Carr, Eldridge Carson, Kenneth Casey, Teddy Casey, Natalie Chilvers, Laura Church, Norma Clerc, Beatrice Cole, Daniel Conway, Russ Conway, George Cotton, Alex Courtney, Ed Crosswell, Harry Crox, Tom Curley, Robert Cushman, Kenneth Dana, Ethel Darling, Gretchen Davidson, Bud Davis, Celeste DeBellis, Louis Delgado, Sandford Dody, Gene Douglas, Dorothy Downs, Katherine Duncan, Helen Edwards, Marian Edwards, Clark Eggleston (as "Ensemble"), Edward Elliott, Ruth Enders, Elsa Ersi (as "Clara Heinrich"), Herbert Everin, Gilbert Fates, Edward Fisher, Alice Fitzsimmons, Janet Fox, Eugene Francis, Vincent Gardiner, Bob Gewald, Herbert Goff, Brant Gorman, Carl Gose, Sydney Grant (as "Dr. Squires"), Norma Green, Claire Greenwood, Donn Hagerty, Gilbert Haggerty, Ann Hagye, Vernon Hammer, Robert Hanley, Lola Harris, Michael Harvey, William Hawes, James Hayes, George Herndon, Alan Hewitt (as "Alex Hewitt"), Nina Hill, Mary Hoban (as "Ensemble"), Cynthia Holbrook, Danny Hood, Claire Howard, Carol Hulings, Bradford Hunt, Buddy Irving, Carl Johnson, Peter Johnson, Marilyn Jolie, Curtis Karpe (as "Ensemble"), Allen Kearns, Walter Kelly, John Kerr, Robert Kerr, Lila King, Dorothy Knox, William Layton (as "Ensemble"), Kenneth Le Roy, Michael Leonard, Tommy Lewis, Richard Lloyd, Audrey Lodge, Constance Lodge, Virginia Lodge, John Long, John Lorenz, Betty MacDonald, James MacDonald, Marvel MacInnis (as "Ensemble"), Edward Mann, Jules Mann, Adrienne Marden, Jean Martel, Remi Martel, Gaylord Mason, Buddy Matthews, Gordon Merrick, Dorothy Miller, Gordon Mills, Patricia Minty, Carman Mitchell, Lois Montgomery, James Moore, Mona Moray, Mary Murray, May Muth, Florrie Nadel, Edna Nagy, Cecil Natapoff, Doris Newcomb, Donald O'Day, Grace O'Malley, LeRoi Operti (as "Dr. MacFarlane"), Margaret Owens, Melvin Parks, Judy Parrish, Lee Parry, Albert Patterson, Charles Payne, Jeannie Belle Perry, Martha Pickens, Gloria Pierre, Elinor Pittis, Philip Pollard, Jean Porter, Janet Regan, Ronald Reiss, George Repp, Robert Rhodes, Eric Roberts, James Roland, Mary Romano, Peggy Romano, Sylvia Roseman, James Russo, Nathaniel Sack, Stephen Sandes, Ray Santos, Lesley Savage, Dora Sayers, Louise Segal, Nat Seigal, Jeanne Shelby, Thomas Speidel, Don Starr, Mary Stevenson, Rodney Stewart, Sidney Stone, Elliott Stranger, Ruth Strome, Daphne Sylva, Jerry Sylvon, Ward Tallman (as "Henry Courtney"), John Thomas, Jerome Thor (as "Ensemble"), Frances Thress, Harry Todd, Carl Urbont, Grace Valentine, Dick Van Patten (as "Karl Gunther, Age 9; Martin Gunther's grandchild") [creidted as Dickie Van Patten], Joan Vitez, Julia Walsh, George Ward, Jeanne Wardley, David Wayne (as "Karl Gunther"), William Welch, Maurice Wells, Peggy Wells, Alan Wenfield, Bob White, Albert Whitley, Nancy Whitman, Lynn Whitney, Mary Williamson, Lois Winston, Janice Winter, Barbara Wooddell, Gene Yell. Produced by Sam Harris and Max Gordon.
- (1939) Stage: Appeared (as "Karl, age 21") in "American Way" on Broadway. Music by Oscar Levant. Written by George S. Kaufman (also director) and Moss Hart. Center Theatre: 17 Jul 1939-23 Sep 1939 (80 performances/return engagement). Cast: Jack Arnold, Bobby Barron, Walter Beck (as "A Minister"), Mary Brandon, Buddy Buehler, Eileen Burns, Hugh Cameron, Gerry Carr, Teddy Casey, Norma Clerc, Alex Courtney, Robert Cushman, Gretchen Davidson, Katherine Duncan, Marian Edwards, Florence Eldridge, Edward Elliott, Elsa Ersi, Gilbert Fates, Janet Fox, Brant Gorman, Sydney Grant, George Herndon, Alan Hewitt, Claire Howard, Bradford Hunt, Buddy Irving, Allen Kearns, Walter Kelly, Tommy Lewis, Richard Lloyd, Virginia Lodge, John Long, John Lorenz, Lorna Lynn, James MacDonald, Fredric March (as "Martin Gunther"), Adrienne Marden, James Moore, Mona Moray, McKay Morris, Mary Murray, LeRoi Operti (as "Dr. MacFarlane"), Elinor Pittis, Janet Regan, Robert Rhodes, James Russo, Stephen Sandes, Dora Sayers, Jeanne Shelby, Sidney Stone, Ward Tallman (as "Henry Courtney"), Jerome Thor (as "Factory Worker"), Grace Valentine, Dick Van Patten (as "Karl Gunther, Age 9, Martin Gunther's grandchild"), Jeanne Wardley, David Wayne (as "Karl Gunther"), Maurice Wells, Ruth Weston (as "Winifred Baxter"), Bob White, Barbara Wooddell. Produced by Sam Harris and Max Gordon.
- (1939) Stage Play: The American Way. Written by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart. Scenic Design by Donald Oenslager. Costume Design by Irene Sharaff. Lighting Design by Hassard Short. Scene Technician for Mr. Oenslager: Isaac Benesch. Assistants to Miss Sharaff: Anna Hill Johnstone and Florence Keady. Directed by George S. Kaufman. Center Theatre: 21 Jan 1939- Jun 1939 (closing date unknown/164 performances). Cast: Fredric March (as "Martin Gunther"), Florence Eldridge (as "Irma Gunther"), McKay Morris (as "Samuel Brockton"), Ruth Weston (as "Winifred Baxter"), Eve Abbott, Albert Amato, Jack Arnold (as "Ed Lorenz"), Suzanne Ashbrook, Cathie Bailey, Alan Bandler, Bobby Barron, Robin Batcheller, Vivian Baule, Joseph Beale, Walter Beck (as "A Minister"), Herman Belmonte, Mary Bennett, Ronald Bennett, Evelyn Bernie, Whit Bissell (as "Karl, Age 21"; credited as Whitner Bissell), Milton Blumenthal, Orin Borston, Mary Brandon, Louise Buck, Buddy Buehler, Eileen Burns, Joe Bush, Hugh Cameron (as "Mayor McEvoy"), Eleanore Campsall, Gloria Carey, Gerry Carr, Eldridge Carson, Kenneth Casey, Teddy Casey, Natalie Chilvers, Laura Church, Norma Clerc, Beatrice Cole, Daniel Conway, Russell Conway, George Cotton (as "Ensemble"), Alex Courtney, Ed Crosswell, Harry Crox, Tom Curley, Robert Cushman, Kenneth Dana, Ethel Darling, Gretchen Davidson, Bud Davis, Celeste DeBellis, Louis Delgado, Sandford Dody, Gene Douglas, Dorothy Downs, Katherine Duncan, Helen Edwards, Marian Edwards, Clark Eggleston (as "Ensemble"), Edward Elliott, Ruth Enders, Elsa Ersi (as "Clara Heinrich"), Herbert Everin, Gilbert Fates, Edward Fisher, Alice Fitzsimmons, Janet Fox, Eugene Francis, Vincent Gardiner, Bob Gewald, Herbert Goff, Brant Gorman, Carl Gose, Sydney Grant (as "Dr. Squires"), Norma Green, Claire Greenwood, Donn Hagerty, Gilbert Haggerty, Ann Hagye, Vernon Hammer, Robert Hanley, Lola Harris, Michael Harvey, William Hawes, James Hayes, George Herndon, Alan Hewitt (as "Alex Hewitt"), Nina Hill, Mary Hoban (as "Ensemble"), Cynthia Holbrook, Danny Hood, Claire Howard, Carol Hulings, Bradford Hunt, Buddy Irving, Carl Johnson, Peter Johnson, Marilyn Jolie, Curtis Karpe (as "Ensemble"), Allen Kearns, Walter Kelly, John Kerr, Robert Kerr, Lila King, Dorothy Knox, William Layton (as "Ensemble"), Kenneth Le Roy, Michael Leonard, Tommy Lewis, Richard Lloyd, Audrey Lodge, Constance Lodge, Virginia Lodge, John Long, John Lorenz, Betty MacDonald, James MacDonald, Marvel MacInnis (as "Ensemble"), Edward Mann, Jules Mann, Adrienne Marden, Jean Martel, Remi Martel, Gaylord Mason, Buddy Matthews, Gordon Merrick, Dorothy Miller, Gordon Mills, Patricia Minty, Carman Mitchell, Lois Montgomery, James Moore, Mona Moray, Mary Murray, May Muth, Florrie Nadel, Edna Nagy, Cecil Natapoff, Doris Newcomb, Donald O'Day, Grace O'Malley, LeRoi Operti (as "Dr. MacFarlane"), Margaret Owens, Melvin Parks, Judy Parrish, Lee Parry, Albert Patterson, Charles Payne, Jeannie Belle Perry, Martha Pickens, Gloria Pierre, Elinor Pittis, Philip Pollard, Jean Porter, Janet Regan, Ronald Reiss, George Repp, Robert Rhodes, Eric Roberts, James Roland, Mary Romano, Peggy Romano, Sylvia Roseman, James Russo, Nathaniel Sack, Stephen Sandes, Ray Santos, Lesley Savage, Dora Sayers, Louise Segal, Nat Seigal, Jeanne Shelby, Thomas Speidel, Don Starr, Mary Stevenson, Rodney Stewart, Sidney Stone, Elliott Stranger, Ruth Strome, Daphne Sylva, Jerry Sylvon, Ward Tallman (as "Henry Courtney"), John Thomas, Jerome Thor (as "Ensemble"), Frances Thress, Harry Todd, Carl Urbont, Grace Valentine, Dick Van Patten (as "Karl Gunther, Age 9; Martin Gunther's grandchild") [credited as Dickie Van Patten], Joan Vitez, Julia Walsh, George Ward, Jeanne Wardley, David Wayne (as "Karl Gunther"), William Welch, Maurice Wells, Peggy Wells, Alan Wenfield, Bob White, Albert Whitley, Nancy Whitman, Lynn Whitney, Mary Williamson, Lois Winston, Janice Winter, Barbara Wooddell, Gene Yell. Produced by Sam Harris and Max Gordon.
- (1939) Stage Play: The American Way. [Return engagement]. Written by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart. Music by Oscar Levant. Directed by George S. Kaufman. Center Theatre: 17 Jul 1939- 23 Sep 1939 (80 performances). Cast: Jack Arnold, Bobby Barron, Walter Beck (as "A Minister"), Whit Bissell [credited as Whitner Bissell] (as "Karl, Age 21"), Mary Brandon, Buddy Buehler, Eileen Burns, Hugh Cameron, Gerry Carr, Teddy Casey, Norma Clerc, Alex Courtney, Robert Cushman, Gretchen Davidson, Katherine Duncan, Marian Edwards, Florence Eldridge (as "Irma Gunther"), Edward Elliott, Elsa Ersi, Gilbert Fates, Janet Fox, Brant Gorman, Sydney Grant, George Herndon, Alan Hewitt, Claire Howard, Bradford Hunt, Buddy Irving, Allen Kearns, Walter Kelly, Tommy Lewis, Richard Lloyd, Virginia Lodge, John Long, John Lorenz, Lorna Lynn, James MacDonald, Fredric March (as "Martin Gunther"), Adrienne Marden, James Moore, Mona Moray, McKay Morris, Mary Murray, LeRoi Operti (as "Dr. MacFarlane"), Elinor Pittis, Janet Regan, Robert Rhodes, James Russo, Stephen Sandes, Dora Sayers, Jeanne Shelby, Sidney Stone, Ward Tallman (as "Henry Courtney"), Jerome Thor (as "Factory Worker"), Grace Valentine, Dick Van Patten (as "Karl Gunther, Age 9, Martin Gunther's grandchild"), Jeanne Wardley, David Wayne (as "Karl Gunther"), Maurice Wells, Ruth Weston (as "Winifred Baxter"), Bob White, Barbara Wooddell. Produced by Sam Harris and Max Gordon.
- (1941) Stage Play: Gabrielle. Written by Leonardo Bercovici. Based on "Tristan" by Thomas Mann. Incidental music by Rudi Revil. Directed by Randolph Carter. Maxine Elliott's Theatre: 25 Mar 1941-26 Mar 1941 (2 performances). Cast: Charlotte Acheson (as "Maid"), Frieda Altman (as "Frau Spatz"), Whit Bissell[credited as Whitner Bissell] (as "Holm"), Grace Coppin (as "Fraulein von Osteloh"), John Cromwell (as "Detlev Spinell"), Elaine Eldridge (as "Patient"), Wilton Graff (as "August Schulz"), Eleanor Lynn (as "Gabrielle Kloterjahn"), Dwight Marfield (as "Patient"), John McGovern (as "Rieman"), Byron McGrath (as "Fleming"), Frederic Tozere (as "Dr. Leander"), Harold Vermilyea (as "Anton Kloterjahn"), Martin Wolfson (as "Gen. Hobein"). Produced by Rowland Leigh.
- (1942) Stage: Appeared (as "Walter") in "Cafe Crown" on Broadway. Comedy. Written by Hy Kraft. Directed by Elia Kazan. Cort Theatre: 23 Jan 1942-23 May 1942 (141 performances). Cast: Morris Carnovsky (as "David Cole"), Sam Jaffe (as "Hymie"), Jay Adler, John Brone, Solen Burry, Jed Cogut, Eduard Franz, Michael Gorrin, Frank Gould, Mitzi Hajos, Tom Jordan, Robert Leonard, Mary Mason, Paula Miller, Daniel Ocko, George Petrie, Lou Polan, Abraham J. Spelvin, Margaret Waller, Sam Wanamaker (as "Lester Freed"), Alfred White, Mervin Williams. Produced by Carly Wharton and Martin Gabel.
- (1941) Stage Play: Gabrielle. Written by Leonardo Bercovici. Based on "Tristan" by Thomas Mann. Incidental music by Rudi Revil. Directed by Randolph Carter. Maxine Elliott's Theatre: 25 Mar 1941-26 Mar 1941 (2 performances). Cast: Charlotte Acheson (as "Maid"), Frieda Altman (as "Frau Spatz"), Whit Bissell [credited as Whitner Bissell] (as "Holm"), Grace Coppin (as "Fraulein von Osteloh"), John Cromwell (as "Detlev Spinell"), Elaine Eldridge (as "Patient"), Wilton Graff (as "August Schulz"), Eleanor Lynn (as "Gabrielle Kloterjahn"), Dwight Marfield (as "Patient"), John McGovern (as "Rieman"), Byron McGrath (as "Fleming"), Frederic Tozere (as "Dr. Leander"), Harold Vermilyea (as "Anton Kloterjahn"), Martin Wolfson (as "Gen. Hobein"). Produced by Rowland Leigh.
- (1942) Stage Play: Cafe Crown. Comedy. Written by Hy Kraft. Directed by Elia Kazan. Cort Theatre: 23 Jan 1942- 23 May 1942 (141 performances). Cast: Morris Carnovsky (as "David Cole"), Sam Jaffe (as "Hymie"), Jay Adler, Whit Bissell [credited as Whitner Bissell] (as "Walter"), John Brone, Solen Burry, Jed Cogut, Eduard Franz, Michael Gorrin, Frank Gould, Mitzi Hajos, Tom Jordan, Robert Leonard, Mary Mason, Paula Miller, Daniel Ocko, George Petrie, Lou Polan, Abraham J. Spelvin, Margaret Waller, Sam Wanamaker (as "Lester Freed"), Alfred White, Mervin Williams. Produced by Carly Wharton and Martin Gabel.
- (1943) Stage Play: Winged Victory. Musical drama. Written by Moss Hart. Incidental music by Sgt. David Rose. Music arranged by Sgt. David Rose. Assistant Musical Director: M/Sgt. Norman Leyden. Featuring songs by Carmen Dragon, Franz Gruber, Joseph Mohr and Robert Crawford. Assistant Lighting Design by S/Sgt. Ralph Alswang. Production Manager: 1st Lt. Irving P. Lazar and 1st. Lt. Benjamin Landis. Stage Manager: Pvt. Jerome Whyte. 1st Assistant Stage Manager: Sgt. Charles Atkin. Assistant Stage Mgr: Pvt. Herman Kantor, Cpl. Emery Battis, Pfc. Grant Gaither [erroneously credited as Grant Gaither], Pvt. Alfred Moscowitz, Sgt. Irving Pincus, Pvt. Russell Hinchliffe, Pvt. Martin Mellon and Pvt. Alfred Ashley. Directed by Moss Hart. 44th Street Theatre: 20 Nov 1943- 20 May 1944 (212 performances). Cast: Sgt. John Ademy, Cpl. Jerry Hilliard Adler, Pvt. John Andes, Cpl. Richard Annis, Florence Aquino, Cpl. Edward Ashley, Mrs. Edward Ashley, Faith Avery, Phyllis Avery, Mathilde Baring, Capt. Sidney Bassler, Cpl. Etienne Bauer, Mrs. Alan Baxter, Pvt. Alan Baxter, Pvt. Richard Beach, 2nd Lt. Don Beddoe (as "Colonel Blakely"), Capt. Raye Bidwell, Pvt. Whit Bissell (as "Lt. Jules Hudson"), Joan Black, Pfc. Kenneth Black, Pvt. Ramon Blackburn [final Broadway role], Pvt. Royce Blackburn [final Broadway role], Pvt. Robert Blakeman, Pvt. Philip Bourneuf (as "Colonel Gibney"), S/Sgt. Sascha Brastoff, Mrs. Robert I. Braun, Sgt. Horace Brynolfson, Pfc. Thomas Burdick, Pfc. James Burke, Pvt. Red Buttons (as "Whitey"), Mrs. William Cahan, Sgt. David Calvin, Cpl. Robert Cantell, Sgt. Frank Chamberlin, Shirley Chambers, Pfc. Dick Chandlee, Mrs. Thomas Charlesworth, Pfc. Thomas Charlesworth, Cpl. Ira Cirker, Pvt. Lee J. Cobb (as "Doctor Baker"), Pvt. Alfred Cocozza, Pvt. Eugene Conley, Mary Cooper, Cpl. Fred Cotton, Sgt. Howard Cranford, Cpl. Mark Daniels, Mrs. Mark Daniels, S/Sgt. Frank Davis, Pfc. John Deane, Olive Deering (as "Ruth"), Pfc. Thomas Dillon, Cpl. Milton Douglas, Mrs. Milton Douglas, Cpl. Russell W. Drewes, Mrs. Michael Duane, Pvt. Michael Duane, Sgt. David Durston, Katherine Eames, Helen Eastman, Pvt. George Edwards, 2nd Lt. Frank Egan, Pvt. John Elliott, Mrs. James Engler, Cpl. Tommy Farrell (as "Ensemble"), Mrs. Abe Feder, Elfin Finn, Mrs. Arthur Finne, Pvt. Arthur Finne, Pfc. Kenneth Forbes, Pvt. John Ford, Pvt. John Forsythe (as "Ensemble"), Sgt. D.J. Fradenburg, Elisabeth Fraser, Sgt. Carl Fredrickson, Genevieve Frizzell, Mrs. Gilbert Frye, Sgt. Gilbert Frye, Pvt. Dave Gaber, S/Sgt. Gordon Gaines, Cpl. Charles Gavek, Pvt. Hayes Gordon, Mrs. Thomas Grace, Sgt. Thomas Grace, Pvt. A.L. Green, Pfc. John Green, Sgt. George Griffin, Virginia Hammond, Pfc. Donald Hanmer, Pvt. Michael Harvey, S/Sgt. Peter Lind Hayes (as "O'Brien"), Pfc. Pitt Herbert, Gilbert Herman, Pvt. Bert Hicks, 1st Lt. George Hoffmann, Mrs. Dick Hogan, Pvt. Dick Hogan, Cpl. Donald Hultgren, Pvt. Milton Hultgren, Sgt. Rune Hultman, T/5 Jay Hyde, Pfc. Alan Jason, Mrs. William Justice, Pvt. William Justice, Sgt. Frank Kane, Mrs. Herman Kantor, Mrs. Paul Kaye, Pvt. Paul Kaye, Pvt. John R. Kearney, Pvt. James Keogan, Pvt. Alfred Kunz, Mrs. Stuart Langley, Pvt. Stuart Langley, Cpl. James Larmore, Cpl. John Lawler, Mary Lenhardt, Pvt. Harry Lewis, Mrs. John Macmillan, Pvt. John Macmillan, Pvt. Louis J. Magyar, Pvt. Karl Malden (as "Adams"), Sgt. Zeke Manners, Pvt. William Marshall, Pfc. James Mattingly, Pfc. Robert J. Mauch (as "Ensemble"), Pfc. Billy Mauch (as "Ensemble"), Sgt. Kevin McCarthy (as "Ronny Meade"), Jean McCoy, Pfc. Ray McDonald, Mrs. Edward McMahon, Pfc. Edward McMahon, Mrs. Norman Mendelson, Pfc. Norman M. Mendelson, Cpl. Gary Merrill (as "Captain McIntyre"), Mrs. Gary Merrill, Pvt. Ray Merrill, Sgt. Joseph Meyer, Sgt. Ray Middleton (as "Lt. Sperry"), Ellen Miller, Pvt. Brad Dexter [credited as Barry Mitchell], Pvt. Kent Morrison, Pvt. Robert Nash, Pvt. William Nash, 1st Lt. William Neil, Mrs. William Neil, Pvt. Barry Nelson (as "Bobby Grills"), Cpl. Eugene Nelson, Pfc. Edmond O'Brien (as "Irving Miller"), Pvt. Damian O'Flynn, Margaret Parmentier, Pvt. Cy Perkins, Pvt. George Petrie, Laura Pierpont (as "Mrs. Gardner"), Cpl. James Polack, Pvt. Jack Powell, Sgt. Jack Proctor, Pvt. James Rafferty, Sgt. Salvatore Randazzo, Sgt. Edward Reardon, Cpl. Earl Redding, Pvt. Walter Reed, Mrs. George Reeves, Sgt. George Reeves (as "Lt. Thompson"), Cpl. Don Richards, Pvt. Grant Richards, Mrs. Carroll Riddle, 1st Lt. Carroll C. Riddle, Pfc. Martin Ritt (as "Gleason"), Mrs. Archie Robbins, Pvt. Archie Robbins, Pfc. Robert Rose, Pvt. Emanuel Rosenberg, Pfc. Anthony Ross, Pfc. Arthur Ross, Pvt. Henry Rowland, Elsa Ryan, Pvt. Alfred Ryder, S/Sgt. Danny Scholl, Pfc. David Scott, Sgt. Wilbur Sheibels, Pfc. Douglas Sibole, Pvt. Henry Slate, Pvt. Jack Slate, Pvt. Dan Stanley, Pvt. Robert Stevens, Mrs. Julian Stockdale, Pvt. Julian Stockdale, Mrs. Claude Stroud, Pvt. Claude Stroud, Mrs. Elliot Sullivan, Pvt. Elliot Sullivan, Cpl. Frederick Sullivan, Cpl. David Sureck, Pvt. Don Taylor, Pfc. Forrest Thompson, Pfc. James Thompson, Pvt. John Tyers, Pfc. Kenneth Utt [Broadway debut], Pvt. Howard Vanderberg, Pvt. George Wainwright, Cpl. Finley Walker, Laura Walker, Sgt. Fred Weisberg, Sgt. Frank Whitmore, Pvt. Jack Willey, Mrs. Robert Willey, Sgt. Robert Willey, Pvt. Jack Williams, Cpl. Joseph Williams, Sgt. Victor Young, Sgt. Jerome Zimmerman. Produced by The U.S. Army Air Forces. Note: Actors in this production were on active duty in the armed forces at the time of production and credited under their various ranks.
- (1942) Stage Play: Sweet Charity. Comedy. Written by Irving Brecher and Manuel Seff. Directed by George Abbott. Mansfield Theatre: 28 Dec 1942- 2 Jan 1943 (8 performances). Cast: John Adair (as "Mr. Merritt"), Rollin Bauer, Whit Bissell [credited as Whitner Bissell] (as "Myron Mitchell"), Harlan Briggs (as "Jonathan Bates"), Dort Clark (as "Trumpet Wilson"), Augusta Dabney, John Kirk, John M. Kline, Liselotte Krumschmidt, Leslie Litomy, Philip Loeb (as "Harry Trott"), Enid Markey (as "Mrs. Brindle, Treasurer"), Viola Roache (as "Mrs. Eva Ingersoll, President"), Hans F. Robert, Mary Sargent, Jane Seymour, Calvin Thomas, Mildred Todd, Clyde Waddell. Produced by Alfred Bloomingdale.
- (1937) Stage Play: As You Like It. Comedy (revival). Written by William Shakespeare. Scenic Design by Studio Alliance. Costume Design by 'Lucinda Ballard [earliest Broadway credit] and Scott Wilson. Directed by Samuel Rosen. Ritz Theatre: 30 Oct 1937-Nov 1937 (closing date unknown/17 performances). Cast: Robert K. Adams (as "Duke. living in banishment"), Whit Bissell [credited as Whitner Bissell] (as "Touchstone, a clown"), Ramon Blackburn (as "Page"), Royce Blackburn (as "Page"), Norman Budd (as "Adam, servant to Oliver"), Staats Cotsworth (as "Oliver, eldest son to Sir Rowland de Boys"), Katherine Emery (as "Rosalind, daughter to the banished Duke"), Jabez Gray (as "Corin, a shepherd"), Alan Handley (as "Frederick, younger brother of the banished Duke and usurper of his dominions/Amiens, attending on the banished Duke/William, a country fellow in love with Audrey"), Jack Lydman (as "Le Beau, a courtier attending on Frederick/Jaques de Boys"), Connie Nickerson (as "Phoebe, a shepherdess"), Anne Revere (as "Celia, daughter to Frederick"), Hayden Rorke (as "Charles, wrestler to Frederick"), K. Edwin Shaw (as "Silvius, a shepherd"), Shepperd Strudwick (as "Orlando, youngest son to Sir Rowland de Boys"), Barbara Townsend (as "Ensemble"), Frederic Tozere (as "Jacques, attending on the banished Duke"), Helen Wynn (as "Audrey, a country wench"). Produced by The Surry Players. Produced under the sponsorship of Dwight Wiman.
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