Agustin Restrepo
- Director
- Producer
- Executive
Agustin has been director and producer of more
than 25 projects including reality shows,
documentaries and fiction; among which De Brutas Nada, Los
Otros Libertadores, Anónima, Mamá También,
El Zorro-La Espada and La Rosa, El Clon, Flor
Salvaje, Herederos del Monte, Popstars
Ecuador, Domingo, El Último Esclavo and Doña
Bárbara. He was awarded the Ace Award as
Best Director for the soap opera "La Tormenta"
and his career as a communicator is associated
with important companies in the television
industry such as Catalyst Studios, Sony Pictures Televisión, Telemundo, Imagen Televisión, FoxTelemexico, Teleamazonas, Latina Televisión, Teleset and RTI.