Jerry Nelson(1934-2012)
- Actor
- Additional Crew
- Music Department
Puppeteer, actor, musician, and master of voices, Jerry Nelson
originally joined Henson & Company as a temporary replacement for
Frank Oz, who had been drafted into the armed
services in the 60's. He later re-joined the crew as a full-time
performer in the 70's, and has since been heavily involved in almost
every major Muppet project, including
Sesame Street (1969),
The Muppet Show (1976),
Fraggle Songs (1983) and feature
films. Memorable characters include "The Count", "Herry Monster",
"Mumford the Magician", "Robin the Frog", "Crazy Harry" and "Gobo".
Come the late 1990s, Nelson has begun to focus more on his musical
career but continues his involvement in
The Muppets.
TV Series
- Floyd Pepper
- Announcer
- Dr. Julius Strangepork
- Pops
- Lew Zealand
- Robin the Frog
- Louis Kazagger
- Chicken
- Crazy Harry
- Pig
- Robin
- Camilla
- House
- Uncle Deadly
- Whatnot
- Baskerville the Hound
- Jerry
- Slim Wilson
- Chickens
- Herman
- Quongo
- Sgt. Floyd Pepper
- T.R. Rooster
- Cow
- Cowboy
- Dr. Strangepork
- Fleet Scribbler
- Frog
- Loud Woman
- Miss Mousey
- Old Skyball Paint
- Shouting Lady
- Thog
- Vendaface
- Whatnot Man
- Arab
- Baskerville
- Beautiful Day Monster
- Bust of Beethoven
- Droop
- Eric the Parrot
- Geri
- Gills Brother
- Goat
- Gramps
- Horse
- J.P. Grosse
- Jugband Member
- Muppaphones
- Paul
- Paul Revere
- Pigs
- Prairie Dog
- Singing Owl
- Stalagmite
- Sundance the Lion
- The Announcer
- The Bust of Beethoven
- Tree
- Whatnots
- William Tell
- Youknow Bird
- Zucchini Brother
- African Mask
- Angus McGonagle
- Ant
- Aquarius Singer
- Artichoke
- Atrics Tambourine Player
- Automatic Wastebasket
- Baby
- Bar Patron
- Barber's Customer
- Beaker clones
- Beaver
- Behemoth
- Benny
- Big Tiny Tallsaddle
- Billy the Bear
- Blue Frackle
- Borcellino
- British Chap
- British Man
- Brown Dog
- Bruno
- Bug
- Bun-Bun Brother
- Burlington Bertie
- Canary
- Centurions
- Chester Pugh
- Chris Rudolph
- Chucky
- Clam
- Construction Worker
- Count von Count
- Crocodile
- Dancer
- Dancers
- Dancing Clown
- Delivery Guy
- Doctor
- Dodo
- Dog
- Doglion
- Eel
- Fazoob
- Feather Duster
- Featherstone
- Female Dancer
- Female Koozebanian
- Flo Chicken
- Floyd
- Floyd's dancing partner
- Food
- Forcryingoutloud Bird
- Fozzie Pig
- Fungus
- Gambler
- Gingerbread Man
- Gnu
- Gopher
- Gorgon Heap
- Granny the Gouger
- Half of the Two-Headed Singer
- Harold the Woodpecker
- Herbie
- Humpty Dumpty
- Indian
- Irving Bizarre
- Kangaroo
- Koozebanian Phoob
- Lee
- Lenny the Lizard
- Lew Zeland
- Lineman
- Lobster
- Luncheon Counter Monster
- Male Monster
- Mean Mama
- Merdlidop
- Merry Men
- Mexican Hat Dancer
- Mickey Moose
- Milton Miller
- Mulch
- Muskrat
- Octopus
- Old Gypsy Lady
- Opossum
- Parrot
- Paul 1
- Penguin
- Penguins
- Pierre Lacousse
- Pig Bartender
- Pirate
- Pole Vaulter
- Policeman
- Professor Albert Flan
- Punching Bag
- Quongo the Gorilla
- Rat
- Salesman
- Salsburg Sauerkraut Singer
- Scallions
- Scotsman
- Screaming Thing
- Shakey Sanchez
- Shark
- Singing Fireman
- Skier
- Sleeze Brother
- Snake
- Soldier
- Sopwith the Camel
- Sphinx
- Spy
- Statler's Grandson
- Super Sheep
- Talking Machine
- Tarantula
- The Devil
- The Idol
- The Queen
- The Sarcophagi
- Thudge McGerk
- Tiki Idol
- Tom
- Train Conductor
- Vampire
- Vampire's Dancing Partner
- Vendawish
- Viking Pigs
- Violinist
- Waiter
- Walrus
- Warren the Dancing Cucumber
- Weasel
- Whatnot Commander
- Whatnot Dancer
- Whatnot Dancers
- Whatnot Girl
- Whatnot Girls
- Whatnot Gypsy
- Whatnot Monster
- Whatnot Singer
- Witch Doctor
- Wolfhound
- Yellow Creature
- Yorick
- Zelda Rose
- Zuzu Fitzwaller(voice)
TV Series
- Gobo Fraggle
- Pa Gorg
- Marjory the Trash Heap
- Architect Doozer
- Feenie Fraggle
- Uncle Gobo Fraggle
- Archbanger Fraggle
- Balsam the Minstrel
- Cave Creature
- Fishface Fraggle
- Judge
- Mervin Merggle
- Parrot
- Pen News announcer
- Radio Announcers
TV Series
- The Count
- Herry Monster
- Two-Headed Monster
- The Announcer
- Mr. Johnson
- Count von Count
- The Amazing Mumford
- Jerry (Two-Headed Monster)
- News Flash Announcer
- Sherlock Hemlock
- Biff
- Announcer
- Simon Soundman
- Farley
- Count
- Herbert Birdsfoot
- The Big Bad Wolf
- Tina Twiddlebug
- Little Jerry
- Fred the Wonder Horse
- Mr. Snuffleupagus
- Frazzle
- Count Von Count
- Two Headed Monster
- Anything Muppets
- Muppet
- Big Bad Wolf
- Boy
- Herry
- Hot Pink Alphabeat
- Pink Martian
- Phil Harmonic
- Lefty's Boss
- Snuffy
- Mr. Chatterly
- Cinderella
- Fat Blue Patient
- Sam the Robot
- Singer
- Chunky Cheese
- Cousin Monster
- Mr. Lucky
- Nick Normal
- Number Guy
- Super Grover Announcer
- Barry Rhymie
- Bennett Snerf
- Delivery Man
- Harry Monster
- Jerry
- London Frog
- Man
- Narrator
- Balladeer
- Maurice Monster
- Pumpkin J Friend
- Purple Cheerleader
- Rapunzel
- Simon
- Umpire
- Uncle Louie
- Vern
- Adam T. Glaser
- Angry
- Bill Smith
- Bird
- Christopher Columbus
- Dr. Livingstone
- Frankie Monster
- Harry
- Little Miss Muffet
- London Hog
- Mary Rhymie
- Mike
- Newsboy
- Piper Piper
- Pumpkin Monotone
- Sleeping Beauty
- Tough Eddie
- Train Conductor
- 'Casey McPhee' Singer
- Additional Anything Muppets
- Andy
- Baby Rocky
- Baker
- Blue Martian
- Elderly Man
- Ernie Statue
- Frog
- George
- Georgie
- Gonk
- Green Vocalist
- Hickory Dickory Duck
- High Singer
- Lavender Woman
- Little Jack Horner
- Lord Hog
- Oak Tree
- Pierre
- Potato
- Pumpkin Tarnish Brother
- Servant
- Singer 'Don't Waste Water'
- Storyteller
- Tablecloth
- The Fastest Person in the Kingdom
- The Smartest Person in the Kingdom
- Tornado
- Trevor Trout
- Witch
- Bartender
- Big Barney
- Brother
- Car
- Carlos
- Clothing Store Clerk
- Dentist
- Dog
- Driver
- Duck
- Dwarves
- Father Bird
- Frankie
- Green Singer
- Jack Be Nimble
- Japanese Storyteller
- Jerry Monster
- King
- Lady with Tall Hat
- Lady with a Tall Hat
- Lavender Beatnik
- Librarian
- Melvin Milk
- Mervin
- Monsters
- Mouse
- Old Mother Hubbard
- Pamela
- Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
- Princess
- Professor Nucleus Von Fission
- Pumpkin Orange Brother
- Red Monster
- Ricardo Monsterban
- Rick
- Royal Doctor
- Sammy the Snake
- Sandy the Snake
- Sergeant Thursday
- Sheriff
- Sheriff Shrimp
- Shoemaker
- Singer 'I'm the Big One Now'
- Singer 'There's a Lot of Different Ways to Get to School'
- Sneaky
- Snookey
- Snooks
- Sparkey
- Teacher
- The Country Mouse
- The Hare
- Well-Clad Wolf
- Yogi
- Young George Washington
- 4-Sweater Boy
- 5-Sweater Boy
- Alphabeat
- Angry Man #1
- Aristocrat
- Barry
- Bassist
- Big Good Wolf
- Blue Man
- Blue Moviegoer
- Blue Sailor
- Bowler Hat
- Brown
- Chester O'Leary
- Classmate
- Customer
- Daddy Bird
- Drippy
- Electrician
- Emperor
- Ernest the Grouch
- Farmer Brown
- Fat Blue Cowboy
- Fat Blue Spider Actor
- Fireman
- Frazzletone
- French Toast
- Girl
- Girl Circler
- Greaser
- Green AM Boy
- Green Alphabeat
- Green Son
- Guardian Angel
- Hare
- Haystack
- Herald
- Hopalong Hamster
- Host
- I.M. Pig
- Inchworm
- Jill
- Kathy's Friend
- Kermit the Forg
- King's Horse
- Last
- Lavender Arab
- Lavender Girl
- Lavender Moviegoer
- Lavender Witch
- Louie
- Mary
- Middle
- Mommy Snuffleupagus
- Mount Snuffleupagus
- Mr. Big
- Mr. Foot
- Natalie the Cow
- Old King Cole
- Old Macdonald
- Old Man
- One of the Tarnish Brothers
- Over the Top Lead Singer
- Painting of a Bowl of Fruit
- Parker Monster
- Peanut Butter
- Poco Loco
- Pretty Great Performances Announcer
- Pumpkin Man
- Radio Announcer
- Rocky
- Rodeo Rosie
- Rooster
- Royal Postman
- Short King
- Small Cowboy
- Snitch
- Spider
- Sullivan
- Sun
- The Gonk
- Third Ball
- Tortoise
- Townsperson #1
- Usher
- Vocalist
- Young Lady
- Zizzy Zoomer #2
- 'News Flash' Announcer
- 'Over the Top' lead singer
- 'Something Comes Between' Us
- AM Boy
- AM Monsters
- Accordian
- Additional Performers
- Admiral
- Al
- Amazing Mumford
- Angry Dwarf
- Animal Shelter Owner
- Announceer
- Anouncer
- Baby Sparrow
- Backflip Counter
- Bad Humor Man
- Bakery Baker
- Ball #3
- Balladeer in 'The Dirtiest Town in the West'
- Banana
- Bass Elevator Singer
- Big Jeffy
- Bill Compton Muppet
- Birdnardo Birdaluchi
- Blue Boy
- Blue Greaser
- Blue Kid
- Boss
- Boy Who Cried Monster
- Boyfriend
- Bruce
- Bruce Monster
- Caller
- Caller #1
- Captain Cabbage
- Carny
- Cartoon Mouse
- Caveman Fred
- Caveman Segment Narrator
- Channel Announcer
- Chick
- Clam
- Construction Foreman
- Cookie Hood
- Corny the Corn
- Country Mouse
- Country Singer
- Cow
- Cow #2
- Cowboy
- Cowpoke
- Creepy Connie
- Custodian
- Cyranose De Bergerac
- Cyranose de Bergerac
- DJ
- Daughter
- David Finch
- Deputy
- Disc Jockey
- Dr. Livingston
- Dr. Wolf
- Dwarf
- Ederly man
- Elmo
- Farmer
- Fat Blue
- Fat Blue Cowpoke
- Fat Blue Hippie
- Fat Blue Man
- Fat Blue Sailor
- Fat Blue Subject
- Female Teacher
- Fico
- Fiddler on the roof singer
- Firefighter Monster
- Foot
- Football
- Foreman
- Fred the Horse
- French Grouch
- Garage Mechanic
- Gate Guard
- Genie
- Giant
- Grandmother
- Granny Grouch
- Greaser in the Park
- Green Beatnik
- Green Boy
- Green Cowboy
- Green Driver
- Green Guy
- Green Guy Named Ed
- Green Man
- Grouch Justice of the Peace
- Guntag Gelman Jones
- Guy
- Hairy Man
- Happy Squares Vocalist #1
- Harvey's Victim
- Herman Bird
- Honker
- Honkers
- Ice Cream Man
- Ike
- J.P, Monderporg
- Jack
- Jerome
- Jimmy
- Joe
- Joe Busby
- Kid with Kermit
- Kids
- Lavender
- Lavender Boy
- Lavender Cowboy
- Lavender Customer
- Lavender Man
- Lavender Man ('ET Family')
- Lavender Man in 'ET Family Song'
- Lavender Man with Mustache
- Lavender Muppet
- Lavender Nomad
- Lavender P Lover
- Lavender Subject
- Lead Sheep
- Lefty the Salesman's Boss
- Leonard Wolf
- Little Bird
- Little Bo Peep
- Little Boy
- Little Girl
- Little Miss Muffett
- Lonely Guy
- Long-Haired Customer
- Lord Chatterly
- Lover #1
- Magic Mirror
- Magic Painting Lady
- Martian
- Martian #1
- Marty
- Matilda
- Mean Manny
- Mice
- Mirror
- Mission Control Announcer
- Moe
- Mommy Bird
- Monkey Flip Counter
- Monster #4
- Monster Cowboy
- Movie Annoucer
- Movie Patron
- Mr. Hat
- Mr. Morley
- Mr. Ogden
- Mr. Quincy
- Mumford
- News Flash Anouncer
- Newspaper Boy
- Nick Normal and the Nickmatics
- Noel Cowherd
- Old Man with Cane
- Old Timer
- Oscar the Grouch
- Over the Top
- Over the Top Singer
- Over the Top lead singer
- Painting
- Patient
- Pig
- Pig #1
- Pig #2
- Pig #s 3 and 5
- Pigs
- Pilot
- Plane Flier
- Porker Piper
- Postman
- Prince #1
- Professor Huggins
- Professor Nucleus von Fission
- Pumpkin 'J Friends' Singer
- Pumpkin Cowboy
- Purple Balladeer
- Purple Grouch
- Quincy
- Red Martian
- Reddish-Magenta Cowboy
- Rhymin' Lyman
- Richard Altman
- Royal Lackey
- Royal Subject
- Rubber Ball
- Rubber Balls
- Salida Dancer
- Sanitation Man
- Saxophonist
- School Teacher
- Sheep #1
- Short Red Monster
- Singer 'In My Book'
- Singer 'The Inside Story'
- Singer 'Thirteen Turkeys'
- Singer 'Turkey in the Straw'
- Singer 'Ways to Get to School'
- Singer 'Ways to Get to School' and 'The Iguana'
- Sir John Feelgood
- Small beady-eyed subject
- Snowman
- Son #2
- Subject
- Subject #2
- Teeth
- Tenor Vocalist
- The Animal Shelter Customer
- The Bird Father
- The Blue King
- The Emperor
- The Genie of the Cookie Tin
- The Justice of Disturbing the Peace
- The London Frog
- The Lost Person
- The Miller's Daughter
- The Oat Bran Band Lead singer
- The Sad King Pierre
- The Short King
- The Sun
- The Two-Headed Monster
- The Young Man Who Lives in a Glove
- The Young Man who Lives in a Glove
- Thomas Twiddlebug
- Tiger
- Timmy Twiddlebug
- Tony
- Two Headed Monster [Left]
- Two Headed-Monster (Frank)
- Two- Headed Monster
- Uncle Talbot
- V
- Various Muppets
- Verne
- Veterinarin
- Vidal Spitton
- Villager
- Walter
- Western Mouse
- Wolf
- Woman
- Xavier
- Young Man who Lives in a Glove
- Young Villager
- Zydeco Band Lead Singer