NES and SNES Nintendo games I want to make video game Rom Hacks
I have played the unofficial Rom Hack Nintendo games like Super Mario Fantasy, Final Fantasy 7 for NES, Back to the Future on NES. And Super Nintendo Rom Hacks including Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Reborn, Final Fantasy 4 and 6 hacks, Chrono Trigger Crimson Echoes or Flames of Eternity. Super Mario RPG Hacks, Legend of Zelda The Parallel Worlds, Conker's High Rule Tail and many more.
With the Fan hack titles already made over 20 years. Here are some of the Fan hack NES, SNES games I would alter and makeover including the crummy J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings: Volume One SNES 1994 game which didn't follow the book.
With the Fan hack titles already made over 20 years. Here are some of the Fan hack NES, SNES games I would alter and makeover including the crummy J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings: Volume One SNES 1994 game which didn't follow the book.
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- Bilbo celebrates his one hundred eleventy birthday in Hobbition, he vanishes and gives the one ring to Frodo Baggins. 17 years later Gandalf the wizard tells Frodo to leave the Shire. Frodo and his companions fights enemies.J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring Volume 1 Revision
I have played this Super Nintendo game and it was very boring and tedious action RPG game and was disrespectful of JRR Tolkien Lord of the Rings books which I'm surprised the Tolkien Estate didn't stop them from making the game we now have for over 30 years.
Since this was an unfinished game ending with the company arriving at Lothlórien I want to change this game since the original was crummy.
I would alter this Lord of the Rings SNES game to change it in many ways and make it a trilogy including 2 volumes going from Fellowship of the Ring and concluding at the end of Return of the King including backstory lines with cutscenes throughout the game.
Here's my Romhack game. I will use the music more correctly so that Hobbiton music plays in all 3 areas in the north and west of Hobbiton. Also I will retype much of the game script to follow the quotes from the book since the original was way off from the book.
Fellowship of the Ring Volume 1
The story introduction would include a brief backstory of Gandalf inviting Bilbo on an adventure, how he stole the one ring from Gollum and surviving the journey to write his book in Bag End. Then 60 years later Bilbos farewell party and then 17 years later it shows Gandalf talking to Frodo and Sam in the Shire with the actual big party tree which will later get cut down. Also it will show Bilbo talking to Gandalf and then leave the screen and then Frodo enters the screen to Talk to Gandalf about the ring and Gandalf will leave. Then it shows a cutscene of Gandalf visiting Saurman only to get arrested on the tower.
The Fellowship of the Ring will allow for 7 playable characters to be in the party, but Legolas would not be playable at all until the defeat of the Balrog. Sam and Pippin would join you right away and find glasses in the cave for Gaffer Gamgee. The music of Hobbiton will also be in the North and West areas with more greenery and more caves as Hobbit's homes and the wolves removed around the Hobbiton areas. You'll have to find the Shire deed for the Sackville Baggins in the cave before you can move on. Gone are the pointless fetch quests like collecting keys except for a few, You will still have to collect 6 Gateway gems and to get Aragorn you have to give him Gandalfs letter.
There will be poem quotes from the book and additional cutscenes to fit with the book story including Gandalf talking to Frodo and Sam, Farmer Maggot having a discussion with Frodo, Sam, Pippin and Merry talking to them on the other side of the river, visiting Tom Bombadil and his wife, the Barrowight showdown boss, the Prancing Pony Ring Incident, Weathertop Ringwraith boss, The council of Elrond, the pass of mountain Caradhras failure, the Three paths of Moria discussion, and the ambush of of the Orcs at Balins Tomb. Also there will be some profanity quotes from the book including a few words of "Ass".
6 lost Amulets are optional for leveling up. There will be a save battery and if you select continue it will skip the password section and automatically send you right back in the game and in game map every time you collect a map. You will actually fight the Ringwraiths on Weathertop which they'll be way easier to defeat unlike the Brandywine Bridge until they are defeated you'll meet Glorfindel and Arwen. Also you will have to go to the Troll Shaws Cave to find Bilbos Glasses. Also Boromir will be a playable character for a brief time in the Mines of Moria and will have an Elven Sword equipped. Also in the Mines of Moria (I will remove 3 glitchy weapons including Anduril, Battle Axe, Glamdor) Aragorn will have Elven Sword be renamed Anduril Sword while and will have a cutscene of Gandalf fighting the Balrog and use his famous quote "Fly you Fools!" and you can still defeat him before you can exit Mines of Moria. There will be a long lengthy ending with meeting Galadriel (in a white dress) and Celeborn in Lothlórien. Galadriel will Show the mirror and Sam will see the Shire is being invaded.
Also I would have the farewell scene with 8 party members being on 3 rafts having a conversation and ending at Amon Hen cutscene with Boromir trying to take the ring from Frodo but he vanishes and escapes and both Frodo and Sam taking the raft to Mordor and the credits would roll and would say "To Be Continued." - Bilbo celebrates his one hundred eleventy birthday in Hobbition, he vanishes and gives the one ring to Frodo Baggins. 17 years later Gandalf the wizard tells Frodo to leave the Shire. Frodo and his companions fights enemies.J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings: Scouring of the Shire Volume 3 Revision
The story introduction would start off as Lobila and Lotho Sackville Baggins would sell Tobacco Pipeweed to the ruffians and Hobbits at Bree and Saruman and Wormtongue would do business with them how Ted Sandyman would change the Shire and cut down the big tree. Then it would go to a cutscene where Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Gandalf goes to Aragorns crowning ceremony in Minias Tirth who marries Arwen and say goodbye, then during the visit to Isenguard, Treebeard will inform them that he let Saruman and Wormtougue go and they would meet them on the way to Rivendell since they took over the Shire. At this point the same map area for Fellowship of the Ring will be reused for the Scouring of the Shire storyline. Then there will be another cutscene where Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Gandalf the white will say goodbye to King Aragorn Legolas, Gimli in Minas Tirith, then cut to Isengard where they will meet Treebeard who looks like Old Man Willow from the old forest.
I would have my characters start near beginning of the entrance of the Mines of Moria that's now sealed off by Drexule the wizard who will guard the gate where you no longer can enter the Mine of Moria. You will play as Frodo Baggins minus the Ring, You can also play as Sam, Merry and Pippin who is escorting Gandalf the White, you will need to visit Rivendell as Bilbo will give you a tobacco pipe and his diary book. But when you go through Bree the innkeeper informs you there's trouble in the Shire, you are blocked from entering the Shire and you need to go through the Old Forest to save Farmer Maggot from orcs, take Gandalf with you to see Tom Bombadil and Gandalf will leave your party for good. and go through the Barrow Downs and you'll need to get the Shire key and an official shire letter, for the Sheriff or Ted Sandyman to accept passage into the Hobbition Shire only to see a gray coloring of it in the Ruins and fight orcs and black cloaked ruffian men. You will have to rescue the hobbits and find Lothos dead body and find 2 final Gateway gems in order to enter the red factory mill door as the final dungeon like with the Mines of Moria. You will fight Orcs black men, trolls, and wolves and will have to find keys and rescue more hobbits in the Hobbit cave mines. You would encounter Saurman that you will need to kill and then Wormtongue that you would fight as the final boss and kill him.
Then the third lengthy ending would be that Frodo and Sam clean up the Shire including planting a seed a gift Sam got from Galadriel and Sam would Marry Rosie and have kids and the Shire is back to the way it was. During the Gray Havens scene it will show Bilbo, Frodo, and Gandalf on a raft at the beach and will declare they will leave on the ships for the Grey Havens and will end with Sam returning home as mayor to the Shire with his wife and kids "Well I'm back" then the credits would roll.
It would be a fun hack to play even better than the original SNES game as long as it didn't cause game breaking glitches and yes you will be able to save your game. I hope I can make it a reality and get the Tolkien Estate Blessing for it and if I get any money I'll give money to the Tolkien Estate and I won't keep any for myself. - Bilbo celebrates his one hundred eleventy birthday in Hobbition, he vanishes and gives the one ring to Frodo Baggins. 17 years later Gandalf the wizard tells Frodo to leave the Shire. Frodo and his companions fights enemies.J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings: War of the Ring Volume 2
If I at some point do actually finish making 2 games J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring Volume 1 and J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings Scouring of the Shire Volume 3, then I'll do a third more complicated romhack game do over that's based on the events of The Two Towers and The Return of the King from the Boromir's death up to the Mount Doom destruction of the One Ring.
There will be about 25 levels in the Style of EA games or Warner Bros game levels including
Level 1: Amon Hen Ambush.
Level 2: Fangorn Forest Orc Ambush part 1.
Level 3: Fangorn Forest Mystery Wizard part 2.
Level 4: Gap of Rohan Ambush.
Level 5: Helms Deep Siege part 1.
Level 6: Helms Deep Breach part 2.
Level 7: Helms Deep reinforcements part 3.
Level 8: Isengard Invasion part 1.
Level 9: Treason of Isengard cleanup part 2.
Level 10: Paths of the Dead cavern.
Level 11: Taming of the Smeagol showdown.
Level 12: The Dead Marshes journey.
Level 13: At the Mordor Black Gate.
Level 14: Orc Ambush at the Ithilien.
Level 15: Ambush and Escape to Cirith Ungo caves.
Level 16: Shelob's showdown.
Level 17: Mina's Tirith Siege part 1.
Level 18: Denethor's Showdown part 2.
Level 19: Battle of the Pelennor Fields part 1.
Level 20: Lord of the Nazgul showdown part 2.
Level 21: Aragorn's Army reinforcements part 3.
Level 22: The Black Gate Showdown.
Level 23: The Tower of Cirith Ungol invasion.
Level 24: Mordor's Desolate land journey.
Level 25: Mount Doom Gollum Showdown.
In addition, new characters and enemies will be created in this game including a sprite character Gollum, spiders and the giant female spider Shelob character model like with Balorg, also the orcs will be redesigned by Uruk-hai in armor and the trolls in armor and made harder than in Fellowship of the ring. Other characters like King Theoden and Denethor, Faramir and Saurman and Wormtongue and Treebeard. You will get to play as Boromir in the first level which he will die after fighting orcs. You'll also get to play as Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli in their path, and you'll get to play as Merry and Pippin in another path and also get to play as Frodo and Sam in their third path. I hope that in addition, I'll be able to add the option to fire bow and arrows nd Gimli be allowed to throw axes which you can't do in the Volume 1 and 3 and allow for Aragon and Legolas to fire arrows at Orcs, Trolls, wraiths, Nazguls, and give Legolas a dagger to fight with instead of being the worst useless character like in Volume 1. You will get to find healing items including Mushrooms, Ferns, Healing Moss, Healing Fruit, Athelas Minor, and Athelas Major, and the option to smoke Tobacco Pipes and drink wine as featured in the book. You will get to level up Aragorn, Legoloas, Gimli, Merry, Pippin, Frodo, Sam. You will briefly get to play as Boromir one stage Gandalf the White in another stage and Eowyn in another stage to fight the Witch King. I'll even type the game script and follow the book stories of The Two Towers and Return of the King more faithfully and have some fetch quests in Rohan town or even in Ithilien and at Minas Tirith but mostly you will be fighting battle rounds like in EA games of The Two Towers and Return of the King. There will be a password system to allow the player to choose any 25 levels.
The Beginning will start off with Frodo and Sam hiking to Mordor and start off with the ambush of Boromir, Merry and Pippin fighting a losing battle. And it will end with the showdown of Gollum in Mount Doom destroying the one ring. The ending will be with in the House of the Healing that Famamir is recovered and falls in love with Eowyn, and the wedding of Aragorn and Arwen at the White Tree and with have Gandalf, Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin saying goodbye to Aragorn, Arwen, Legolas, Gimli before they take their journey to Isengard before the credits roll and it will say to be continued. This will be the best game me and my team make and I hope it will get made. - Bilbo celebrates his one hundred eleventy birthday in Hobbition, he vanishes and gives the one ring to Frodo Baggins. 17 years later Gandalf the wizard tells Frodo to leave the Shire. Frodo and his companions fights enemies.J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings: The Hobbit SNES
Once I'm done with making 3 Lord of the Rings SNES romhack trilogy, I make The Hobbit where you can play as Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, and Gandalf the Gray, and will get to fight snakes, wolves, bats, orcs, trolls and will be allowed to fight spiders. But Smaug the Dragon Bilbo will only talk to. There will be the Battle of the Five Armies which Bilbo will fight until he gets knocked out. Then he will get to go home with his treasure. - Video game based on the film Back to the Future (1985).Back to the Future Trilogy NES remake.
Since I didn't like the way the original Back to the Future I, II & III NES games were made by LJN and the negative review by Angry Video Game Nerd. I intend to combine Back to the Future with Back to the Future II & III NES. I will add NES soundtrack copyright high pitched NES songs in the game. Yes there will still be the Paperboy, Spyhunter running, driving style gameplay where Marty has to run up the scrolling screen dodging people and cars but the bowling ball attack has been removed as it's not needed. Also he will look like the character with the red puffy jacket and his 3 siblings will look like the film counterpart like in Back to the Future Enhanced. Marty will run late to school on a skateboard dodging cars. Then there will be cutscenes like the Ninja Gaiden games, there will also be rated T profanity used like Damn, Hell, and the s word used like in the film. There will be a guitar scene playing "Power of Love" before the director tells Marty he's not good enough. Then Marty will get to explore 1985 like in Back to the Future II & III except it will look nicer, I'll even add Burger King, Docs Mansion, graveyard, Hilldale, Train station etc. You will also get to drive away from the Libyan attackers at the mall. You'll also get to drive away from Peabody's farm before running out of gas. Also gone will be the kissing heart minigame but the milkshake minigame and the guitar minigame with 2 songs "Earth Angel", and that fast "Johnny B Goode" songs will be in the game as will the DeLorean minigame which will be easier to play and there will be a cutscene after finding Doc Brown alive and finding Marty's parents have changed and Biff working for them.
Also in the 2015 game. You'll also get to fly a DeLorean to dodge other flying cars before arriving at the clock tower area. You also get to ride a hoverboard dodging bullies in Paperboy style. Then play the flying DeLorean minigame to rescue Jennifer but not before Bill Tannen steals the Time Machine and alters the future. Also yes you will get to play 30 minigame levels as made by LJN but you can roam the streets as in the original Back to the Future II & III except you can explore all 16 street areas in 1955, 1985, 2015 without needing to time travel but when you get the 30 items. Also the annoying bird and bat alarm sound will be removed from the game. Once you collect the 30 items you can play a minigame to escape Bill's car in the tunnel and on the highway. Then it will go to part 3 where you have to drive a Delorean to 1885 but you will be chased by Native Americans who you have to dodge. Marty will have to get 10 items but the Native American enemies sprites will be removed with only cowboys to fight. Then the ending cutscene will be extended to include additional cutscenes of Marty's Family, changed Biff, Jennifer and Doc Brown bringing his wife Clara and their 2 sons and then time travel before the game ends. This will be the best NES romhack and will be even better than the crummy LJN version of Back to the Future and II & III games. - Biff has stolen the time machine, used Sport Almanac to gamble money and altered the timeline. Marty must go back in time, collect 30 items to stop Biff in this platform game. Later on in 1875 he has to collect 10 items to save Doc Brown.Back to the Future Part II & III Enhanced:
I have played this NES game many times and it's not exactly fun since it's so boring and tedious with many 30 item fetch quests not to mention how hard it is to find keys for each door and acorn seeds and it's so annoying when you select the wrong item only for it to blow up. I also hate that annoying bird and bat alarm sound in the game and also there's no save feature and you can easily get lost in 48 streets in 3 time periods 1955, 1985, 2015.
Since this NES game is too boring and drags on and requires an online guide. When I do a romhack I'm going to make many changes so it's more accurate to the film and more fun to play. Here's a list I will fix.
1: Add a 10 second label warning disclaimer title about Native American stereotypes "Warning, the NES game you are about to play contains outdated hurtful Native American stereotypes, the actions in the game when you attack Native Americans are considered hurtful and wrong and is discouraged. Please respect the Native Americans and ask the American Government to send apologies to the community and save the Native American culture."
2: Replace the password with a save battery and all you have to do at the title screen is press select and you'll pick up right where you last saved and also if you get a game over continue if you select yes, your game will automatically save and you start right where you left off in case you turn off or reset your game.
3: Add some uncensored rated T profanity text including "Damn" and "Hell", a word for female dog and the S word to some of the opening text quoted from some the movie lines since the original NES game was censored and add some iconic quotes like "Roads where we are going we don't need roads" and explain Martys hoverboard chase and further insight on rescuing Jennifer while Biff stole the time machine, also explain Marty's father George Mcfly was murdered.
4: Give Marty unlimited fire ball power.
5: Make the hoverboard Marty rides last longer.
6: Add street exit number areas to each arrow to show the player where they are going.
7: Add arrows to manhole and pipe areas.
8: Give Marty a hoverboard after exiting DeLorean every time.
9: Start off with 10 lives, 30 fuel, one key, one acorn by default so you don't have to go key hunting for doors or acorns for planting.
10: Items will no longer blow up if you select the wrong item but you'll exit the pipe.
11: Remove the annoying bird and bat enemy alarm sound since it's awful to listen to.
12: Every time you select the item menu let the player know not just by the trophy items but also put a clear star icon to let the player know the area is cleared to make it easier for the player.
13: Fix the Twin Pines Mall typo error in 1985, 2015 and rename it to Lone Pine Mall for film accuracy.
14: Fix the 1875 typo error and correct it to 1885 message after finishing 30 item puzzles also explain that Doc Brown is going to get killed by Buford Tannen and you need to rescue him and add a love story with Clara.
15: Add a thorny bush in the lower left bottom corner and in the bottom middle corner in "Got the drop on you" platform puzzle room to prevent the player from getting stuck and waiting for the timer to run out.
16: Add the 2015 NES music to the Back to the future opening and ending plot.
17: After the Back to the Future 3 ending, extend it with an ending message saying that "Marty made it back to 1985 and is reunited with his family and Jennifer. Doc Brown is married to Clara and 2 boys, visits Marty and tells him "The Future is whatever you make it. So make it a good one." Doc then uses his flying train to travel in time." Before going to the title screen.
18: And finally in addition add some new NES chiptunes for Back to the Future II and III including the Iconic opening score, and add scores for Grays Sports Alamanic, Hell Valley theme, Western theme and also add the Back to the Future III ending NES themes which would make this game much better and enjoyable to play. - An unofficial Chinese NES demake of Final Fantasy VII. A terrorist group named Avalanche led by Barrett and Cloud is blowing up Mako reactors and fighting against Shinra and also Sephiroth to save the planet from the Meteor.Final Fantasy VII SNES Lugia2009 edition
Before I even try to make the Final Fantasy VI engine version of Final Fantasy VII. I want to convert the entire NES updated Lugia2009 Final Fantasy VII game over to the Super Nintendo using the Final Fantasy IV and possibly Final Fantasy V engine to get this game converted and most of the game will remain the same including a train added. However each character will still carry the Materia item 9 in total like in the NES version. I may use the Final Fantasy IV or V music or somehow get the Final Fantasy VII soundtrack on the SNES game. You will have the option to recruit Yuffie and Vincent to join your party and will be allowed to visit Fort Condor, the sleeping man in his cave home, visit Wutai and Mideel and revisit Midgar, more areas of Junon. Unlike the NES game which had limitations.
However you will still be able to get access to all Black and also White magic spells like in Final Fantasy IV but you'll need to level up the characters. Also You'll get access to summons like Chocobo Shiva, Ifrit, Titan, Bahamut, Odin, Leviathan, Ramuh, Alexander, summons. And you'll get a summon for every 10 levels. Yes, you'll still lose Aeris which she is not worth leveling her up.
Cloud will be able to use swords, Barrett will use thrown axes or crossbow arrows. Yuffie will use boomerangs or shuriken, Tifa and Red XIII will use claws. Vincent will use bow and arrows. Aeris will use staves or rods, Cait Sith will use wrenches, Cid will be able to use spears, You'll get more weapons and armor just buying it in shops like in the NES game, and also you can upgrade the attack power and materia power like in Final Fantasy VIII, also to note that the battle system will be turn based like Final Fantasy IV and you can have 4 characters on the battle screen but there will be status aliments added to this game like poison, blind, confuse, mini, toad, paralyze, petrify, curse or death spells will add to the challenge and you'll need potions and ethers for this game to cure HP and MPs and the battle menu will be faster to select.
The character, townspeople, and monster sprites from the NES game will be converted over to the SNES and the Final Fantasy IV backdrops will be used in the game and the player will get to run in towns and dungeons but there'll be random encounters, and also you'll be able to visit Fort Condor and play the battle mini game fort and you'll get to fight in Battle Square for money. You'll get to ride the chocobo at the farm to avoid the Serpent monster in the swampy marshes. You can also ride the buggy car and will actually get to ride the airship once you reach the Northern Crater in the final area of the game .
Also the storyline will be the same with the rated T profanity like Damn, Hell, Jackass, Crap and S words used in the game. But most of Disc 2 up to the Northern crater will skip the events of including the Weapon giant monsters, the return to Midgar, the 4 huge Materia quest will not be featured in this version since this is the Lugia2009 version NES version.
Also I want to get this early Final Fantasy VII version made before I and my team of people takes on the daunting task of the Final Fantasy VII CrosswalkX edition using the Final Fantasy VI engine. I hope I can convert this NES game of Final Fantasy VII over to the SNES port with welcome changes. - DirectorYoshinori KitaseYasushi MatsumuraMasato YagiA former soldier from an evil company joins a mercenary clan to fight the company he once served.Final Fantasy VII SNES version. CrosswalkX updated version
This official Playstation 1 would be perfect for remaking on Super Nintendo using the Final Fantasy VI graphics for the SNES release since the it would work perfectly for a Romhack from Final Fantasy VI especially with the sprite characters of Cloud, Barrett, Tifa, Aeris, Red XIII, Cait Sith, Cid sephiroth. I will also get theenemy sprites in addition I would use the Final Fantasy IV, V, VI graphics and completely change the Final Fantasy VI game to match the Final Fantasy VII game for this SNES game would make a perfect 2D demake fan romhack game.
So for starters I will give 10 characters
Cloud Strife from Cyan's Swdtech which you can select up to 8 sword abilities including Braver, Cross Slasher, Blade Beam, Climhazzard, Meteorain, Finishing Touch, Omislash,
Barret will have the Magitek abilites including Fire Beam, Ice, Beam, Lightning Beam, Mind Blow, Missile, Confuser, Bio Blaster, Ungermax, Catastrophe.
Red XIII will have the skills Sled Fang, Lunatic High, Blood Fang, Stardust Rain, Howling Moon, Earth Rave, Cosmo Memory using Mog's Dance ability.
Tifa will have the skills Beat Rush, Somersault, Waterkick, Meteodrive, Dolphin Blow, Meteor Strike, Final Heaven using Sabins Blitz ability.
Vincent Valentine skills Galiant Beast, Death Gigas, Hell Mask, Chaos from Gaus Rage.
Yuffie's skills Greased Lightning, Clear Tranquil, Landscaper, Bloodfest, Gauntlet, Doom of the Living, All Creation
along with the throw abiliy list along with the Shuriken, bolt edge, fire edge, water edge, inviz edge, shadow edge, Fuma Shuriken, that Yuffie will have.
Cait Sith will have Setzers Slots and possibly Coin Toss.
Aeris will have the Barons Pray ability which will simply cure and heal the entire party since she'll be killed off a certain point.
Cid will have Edgars tools and will have Auto crossbow, Noise Blaster, Flash, Drill, Chainsaw, and will have Dynamite and Highwind.
Sephiroth will have the Shock ability like General Leo but he will become a villain in the game.
Also the items will be expanded to use the same Final Fantasy VII items including the battle and support items, source stats etc. Also you can dash your player either with Sprint Shoes or holding down the dash button in towns and dungeons but not on the overworld map.
There will be the Magicite summon System and be red Summon Materia that the player can equip one at a time, the same Materia system which will have the same Espers including Mog and Chocobo, Shiva, Ifrit, Ramuh, Titan, Odin, Bahamut, Kjata, Alexander, Leviathan, Hades, Typhoon, Phoenix, Knights of the Round, Ragnarok and Golem will be the 16 red Summon Materias that the player can equip.
Also the Enemy Skills I will have include Frog Song, L4 Suicide, Magic Hammer, White Wind, Big Guard, Angel Whisper, Dragon Force, Death Force, Flame Thrower, Laser, Matra Magic, Bad Breath, Beta, Aqualung, Trine, Magic Breath, Traveler, ????, Goblin Punch, L5 Death, Death Sentence, Roulette, Shadow Flare, Pandora's Box by equipping an Enemy skill Materia on the Relic section, Also you can get the steal, mime, enemy skill, throw ability on there.
I will have to update the music so it uses the same SNES music of Final Fantasy VII rather than the Final Fantasy VI music although some of the Final Fantasy VI songs like the main theme and Techno Chocobo songs will be in the game and I'll add some of the boss battle songs that weren't used including Jenova and One Winged Angel, This game will have the Final Fantasy VI menu and battle menu that'll go fast.
I'll add minigames for this game including G bike highway chase, Fort Condor, Snowboard auto race, Submarine attack, Battle Square, Mogs House, Crane game, Chocobo Racing Bets and the mine cart rollercoaster ride. There will even be a runway train ride you can actually climb on board and make your way to the front of the train on a time limit and you'll actually be on a rocket and the 4 Huge Materia will allow the player to cast unlimited summons from the Master Red Summon Materia after learning all of the spells equipping a relic, the Master Yellow Skills Materia will allow the player to use whatever skills they want just like Gogo equipping the relic, the third and fourth Materia will turn Bahamunt into Neo Bahamut and Bahamut Zero.
In addition, I'll allow the player to visit Mideel, I'll add additional screenshot cutscenes that will explain the events of Final Fantasy VII later half of Disc 2 and then you enter the Final cave, but otherwise the game will way better than Lugia2009 NES updated game.
Also you will have to go to Chocobo stalls to get on a yellow Chocobo. Also on the overworld map I'll let the player on foot choose between overview and chocobo mode. I'll get this to work with the wheel car buggy or the Tiny Broco airplane on the water shoreline. Also the Highwind will also be the same when it flies. And you'll even get the option to ride a blue river chocobo, green mountain chocobo, black chocobo and a gold chocobo either through chocobo race or defeating Ruby Weapon by Desert Rose to reach the hard to reach 1 red materia Knights of the Round, 1 yellow materia Mime, Gembox, and Offering relics. And for defeating the hard boss Emerald Weapon you get both a Master Red and Yellow Summon Materia relic.
I'll even painstaking create the monsters from Final Fantasy VII PS1 game to 2D sprites with graphics editing and also the townspeople and NPC units will use the same sprites including the soldiers.
The game script will faithfully follow the storyline and events of Final Fantasy VII including the dating option of Aeris, Tifa, Yuffie or Barrett. And yes there will be rated T profanity quotes used in the game including words like "Damn", "Hell", "Jackass" said by Barrett and Cid.
I hope that I can get a team of people in a business office to work on this SNES demake and get Square Enix's approval to get it licensed for Super Nintendo. - DirectorYoshinori KitaseA group of students at a military academy rescue a mysterious girl, who some say is the sorceress who wants to govern the universe.Final Fantasy VIII SNES
I will make this game that's like the 3D game of Final Fantasy 8 on Super Nintendo using the Final Fantasy 6 engine. You'll get to play as Squall, Rinoa, Quistis, Zell, Selphie, Irvine, Seifer, Edea, Laguna, Kiros, Ward. Yes you'll get to ride a chocobo, you'll also drive a wheel car and later in the futuristic city Esther you can drive a hovercar and you'll get to drive a hover school using the Final Fantasy 6 Chocobo engine. Also the airship will also use the Final Fantasy 6 engine for the airship.
I'll use the Final Fantasy 4, 5, 6 graphics for the futuristic city Esthar and for Delling City. The townspeople of Final Fantasy 6 will have to edited to be more modern but the Final Fantasy 6 soldier sprites will remain mostly the same There will be monsters of Final Fantasy 8 the characters will fight, you can only have 3 characters in the battles, you can also receive a Moogle Charm early on in the game from Cid and also you can play the card game and win cards, though you only can trade it for items for your characters. The Final Fantasy 8 music will also play. The backgrounds for the towns, cities dungeons will also match like the game. Also enemies will level up every 10 levels as your party levels up. This will be a fun Final Fantasy 6 romhack to play. I'm not sure if it will ever be made. Squall will use Cyans Swdtech to use his gunblade attacks. Quistis will have the Lore spells but she'll need each of the following 16 items to learn them including Spider Web- Ultra Waves, Coral Fragment- Electrocute, Curse Spike- LV?- Death, Black Hole- Degenerator, Water Crystal- Aqua Breath, Missile- Micro Missile, Mystery Fluid- Acid, Running Fire- Gatling Gun, Inferno Fang- Fire Breath, Malboro tentacle- Bad Breath, Whisper- White Wind, Laser cannon- Homing Laser, Barrier- Mighty Guard, Power Generator- Ray-Bomb, Dark Matter- Shockwave Pulsar and will only have a whip to fight with
Riona will have her dog randomly attack an enemy and will use Shadows throw abilities and use a Boomerang or Hawkeye. Also Zell will use Sabins Blitz attacks Also Selphie will use Setzer's slot attacks. Also Irvine will also use Magitek attacks Fire Beam, Ice Beam, Bolt Beam, Missile, Gun attacks. The battle system will allow for monsters and robots to level up with the 6 players every 10 levels just like in Final Fantasy 8. There will be a card minigame minus the annoying Random and Same Plus rule which will be removed in this game. The cards will give you item refinements. Also you can pay to upgrade your weapons without needing parts. Also you will still get to turn enemies into cards.
There will be 20 guardian summons using the Magicites but you no longer need to draw from enemies but you can just win the summon Guardians instead. Quezacotl, Shiva, Ifrit, Siren, Brothers, Diablos, Carbuncle, Leviathan, Pandemona, Cerberus, Alexander, Doomtrain, Bahamut, Cactuar, Tonberry, Eden, Odin, Gilgamesh, Phoenix and Golem.
You will have to get status up ability which will be far easier to do Luck Up, Mag UP, Spd UP, Spr UP, Str Up, Vit Up, HP UP which can be gotten very easily through card refinement or item refinement. At some point when near the end of the game, there's a time compression which will cause barriers to be around all towns and cities sealing them off but you'll get to go to Ultimecias medieval castle. - Ariel's about to marry Prince Eric when suddenly, her sea friends alert her that Ursula the Sea Witch is about to take over the Sea, Ariel turns back into a Mermaid and goes after Ursula in this NES platform game.The Little Mermaid Tragic Tale NES
Yes while I'm aware of the Disney happy ending version of The Little Mermaid, I intend to make a tragic tale of The Little Mermaid where Ariel renamed Pearl has to go through 5 levels to get to the sea witch but I'll add 1 more level to meet the prince to be turned into a human only to find out he rejected her for another woman. Pearl will then be turned back into a mermaid and will fight the evil witch who betrayed her. After Pearl defeats the Sea Witch, Pearl will die and turn into sea foam and become a guardian angel and will watch Prince Eric marry another woman while King Triton will look at the shore in sadness. I'll omit "Under the Sea" song and instead use a level 4 song as the title since it's not needed in the game. - Based on the movie sequel, Fievel must fight cats and other animals in the city with his toy gun and out in desert into town as he races to save his family from Cat R. Waul in this 2D platform game.An American: Tail: Fievel Goes West Undressed.
While we do have this fun 2D platform based on An American Tail Fievel Goes West movie. I want to see one where Fievel the mouse is actually undressed and see his furry body with only a cowboy hat which would be funny to play with. - DirectorJon BurtonStarsCorey BurtonR. Lee ErmeyPat FraleyFollowing the story from the film, players take control of Woody as he tries to save Buzz from the various problems that arise.Toy Story 2 and 3
I will take the Toy Story SNES game and reuse the background to allow Woody to play through Andy's Room, Al's Apartment, I'll have to change buzz's boss sprite to Emperor Zurg instead, and at the Al's Toy Barn Arcade center and will reuse Buzz Lightyear flying Woody home which will be a fun romhack, I'll even do the events of Toy Story 3 reusing the same rom SNES graphics. - DirectorHironobu SakaguchiThe four "Light Warriors" must fulfill a 2000 year old prophecy, traversing the land in order to restore light to the four elemental orbs and defeat an ancient evil to save their world.Final Fantasy: Chocobo Dungeon
I will do a Final Fantasy 1 NES romhack and make a Chocobo Dungeon game that Square Enix made on Playstation 1, Nintendo DS and Wii Chocobo Dungeon games where I alter all 6 human sprites and transform the pixel graphics into Chocobo sprites both for the menu screen, fighting screen, and create the sprite units as Chocobos running in towns, dungeons and overworld map.
The Chocobo's will get to wear costumes including fighter, thief, red mage, black mage, white mage. And for the monk the chocobo will be undressed.
Along with that, I'll have the experience points and gold doubled and have my Chocobo have the option to run by default to make it more fun to play the game. Also, I'll make sure to add a fat Chocobo in the menu so it can hold the items without running out of weapon and armor space. I'll even add some Moogle sprites and add a Cid character sprite for added Final Fantasy reference fun. I'll even put in the Chocobo theme for the Final Fantasy 3 overworld and also add Fat Chocobo's theme from Final Fantasy 3. And for the Character lineup selection I'll add the Chocobo theme from Final Fantasy 2.
It'll be a fun Final Fantasy Chocobo Dungeon rom hack game I'll be making. - DirectorHironobu SakaguchiStarsYukimasa ObiTakayuki YamaguchiKenta MiyakeA group of youths escape from their hometown of Fynn as it is invaded by the evil empire. This is the story of their life-changing journey.Final Fantasy II: Chocobo Dungeon II
- DirectorHironobu SakaguchiFour orphans seek to restore the balance between light and darkness in the world.Final Fantasy III: Chocobo Dungeon III
- DirectorHironobu SakaguchiA dark knight questions the ruthless actions of his king and undergoes a quest to redeem himself and save the world.Final Fantasy IV: Chocobo Dungeon IV
I will make a romhack game called Final Fantasy Chocobo Dungeon IV where Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, Cain, Edge and many more characters are Chocobo characters where you control a sprite of a Chocobo on the world map, towns and dungeons and they'll be able to run like in Project II Final Fantasy IV SNES. In battle will be Chocobos who will fight in the game and there will be a bonus sidequest game called The Silvera Brothers World Tour where you have to take the Frog, Pig and small man to Troia to perform and they'll reward you with the Pink Tail item. The story will stay the same only with Chocobos who will be in costumes. I'll make level grinding and getting money 2 times faster after every battle victory. It'll be a funny Final Fantasy IV game maybe aimed at a younger audience. - DirectorHironobu SakaguchiWhen the magical crystals which keep the elements in balance begin to shatter unexpectedly, a ragtag group consisting of a wanderer, a princess, a pirate captain, and an amnesiac old man must band together to save the world.Final Fantasy V: Chocobo Dungeon V
This will be a romhack where 5 of the human characters will be chocobos and will be in costumes like in Final Fantasy III. The gameplay will be exactly the same like the Final Fantasy V game. Also I'll make the game a little easier and less grindy, especially with the job system. And I hope this romhack game will be even more fun and easy to play. - DirectorKouze IdeA young boy named Benjamin is on a quest to reclaim a set of stolen crystals that determine the state of the world's four elemental powers.Chocobo Dungeon Mystic Quest
This would be a Chocobo Dungeon game for SNES and I would completely alter the Character sprite and turn Benjamin into a Chocobo and turn Tristam into a Moogle sprite. The game will play the same except you play as a Chocobo and Tristam is now a Moogle. You will go on the same journey like in the original game reviving 4 crystals and fighting the Dark King, only it will be like Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Reborn rom hack but not hard. I will remove the Dark King cure exploit glitch and make it so life spell will not kill living monsters but undead monsters. Cure spells will heal living monsters but it will hurt undead monsters. The Heal spell will cause status aliments. I'll give Phoebe for the second joining an Aegis Shield and Cupid Locket to protect her from petrify and confusion.
This would be a fun rom hack and would appeal to kids and families. - DirectorHiroyuki ItôYoshinori KitaseA mysterious woman joins a group of mercenaries in order to find out about her destiny and means of saving the world from an evil madman.Final Fantasy VI: Mog's World Tour Trope.
This will be a spinoff and all of the characters will be Moogles including Tina, Locke, Edgar, Mash and they'll go through The World of Balance and later on you will be able to recruit Mog, including getting kidnapped by the Lone Wolf, If Locke chooses the Gold Hairpin, it will be game over. But if Locke chooses Mog, game will continue also there will be a new sidequest with 10 Moogles who will go around the world performing dances at the Opera House and will lead up to the events of Final Fantasy VI and the player will be rewarded with a Moogle Charm early on in the game to turn off Random Encounters. with the later World of Balance events with Kefta and Emperor Geshtal and the Esper sealed cave events up to the Floating Island and then the destruction of the World of Balance, and Mog will be Alone in the World of Ruin waiting to be found in the Narshe Cave. Also the Experience points and Gold will be gotten 2 times to make it more fun to play. - DirectorKoichi NakamuraA warrior is ordered by his king to locate children that are mysteriously disappearing.Dragon Quest IV SNES.
I will port over the original official Dragon Warrior IV from NES to SNES and I'll use the graphics of Dragon Quest I, II, III, V, and VI to make Dragon Quest IV for SNES, in addition restore the religious references with church crosses added, also the ladies in the casino will wear their bunny outfits. Also I'll allow the player to have the character run around the screen rather than the slow walking in the original Dragon Warrior IV game. In addition I'll allow the 100 coin betting slot machine to make gambling less tedious and I'll make 1 coin cost 1 Gold in case the player doesn't want to gamble money. Also the bonus Chapter 6 from the DS game will be added for the SNES version. - DirectorJon MandelStarsKathy FitzgeraldRob WallaceBob SorensonBowser has kidnapped Mario and locked him somewhere in his giant castle in Antarctica. So it's up to Luigi and Yoshi to find him.Mario Is Missing Again! Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4.
This game would expand upon the original game so you can select 4 games modes you want to play and Yoshi can now visit every 50 cities in the world rather than 15 cities, in addition I'll add North Korea, Seoul South Korea. I will make it have 4 parts so that you can select which game part you want to play through, I'll have to update the original game for current modern times including New York which in one screenshot will have to be altered to remove the twin towers and make a 9/11 2001 reference in the New York section, also I'll be removing Yugoslavia with Kosovo. I'll also be replacing the Russian City near Pyongyang North Korea and South Korea with Seoul South Korea, I'll even add Los Angeles California in the fourth game mode.
I know it's not very popular game but it would be very interesting to see and I would make it easier for kids to answer questions so it can be more fun. - DirectorTakashi TezukaWhile Mario and Luigi are vacationing in Dinosaur Land, Bowser kidnaps the Princess. Mario and his new dino friend Yoshi go on a mission to save her.Super Yoshi Galaxy 1
I will take the game Super Mario World from SNES and do a romhack makeover and change the scenery and add some of the Super Mario Galaxy scenery. Also Yoshi will replace Mario and will stand upright and use the exact same moves as Mario and will actually be floating around more. Also there will be memorable songs from Super Mario Galaxy added for the levels. I'll make sure the game isn't too hard and keep it family friendly around rated E. But it may be hard to release and I many have it just released as a SNES cartridge since I don't want to get into legal trouble with Nintendo. - DirectorShigeru MiyamotoTakashi TezukaKing Koopa has kidnapped Princess Toadstool, taken over all seven kingdoms in the Mushroom World, and put his seven kids in charge of all of them. It's the Mario Brothers to the rescue.Super Yoshi Bros 3.
I'll make this NES romhack so you get to play as red Yoshi and green Yoshi and they have to rescue Birdo girl princess. The levels will be exactly the same but the Mario and Luigi sprites will be changed into Yoshi sprites. This will be a fun Nintendo romhack but it may be hard to release NES cartridges since I don't want to get into legal trouble with Nintendo. - DirectorKôichi IshiiAction role-playing video game that follows the hero (named by the player, officially called Sumo) and the heroine as they attempt to thwart the Dark Lord and his assistant Julius from destroying the Tree of Mana and dooming their world.Final Fantasy Adventure: Moogles Quest
This Gameboy romhack of the First Mana game will allow you to play as a Moogle the entire time with some minor script differences to reflect the townspeople reaction to how cute the moogle is. - DirectorKôichi IshiiThe story of a boy who pulls out a rusty sword and is banished from Potos. He meets a girl and a Sprite. Together, they journey to gather 8 Mana seeds to save the Mana tree and stop Thanatos and his empire from taking over the world.Secret of Mana: Karon's Journey
This game will be based on the prequel of Secret of Mana where you get to play as the Karon on a journey to help the boy's father and a Moogle companion will fight with Karon the squirrel and meet with the boys father before his death with the emperor showdown. The Mana Mother tree will be standing. But the Mana Beast fight will be omitted and once you fight the Emperor the boys father will die and the music credits will play.