This is the kind of twisted movie that will haunt your uncouncious nerve synapsis in your sleeping dreams. not wet they are, but a puzzle that made me think more than twice, and a maze to get out of. its a film that has two choices, start watching the end first or do it the regular way. its complicated but good
there are signs upon signs on top of signs, in dreams upon dreams on top of dreams. it has so much grieve,and so much hopes and wishes, till you start thinking the impossible will be possible. there are good pace all over,ok story and plot, acting very well done. the filmography are great, with lots of shifting themes, and the score are brilliantly used ,like a babys lollaby-song.the piano sequences that repeats inbetween are like hubba bubba under the shoes,sticky and difficult to get away.
so if your in for a mystery-drama, have a look at dont go,the grumpy old man says