In a world where supernatural beings dwell among humans, young high school student Akihito Kanbara leads a pretty normal life by his standards. Because even if he looks like a human being at first glance, he too belongs in the world of the supernatural. Akihito is a half youmu, a being that grants him the ability to regenerate wounds so quickly that he is immortal. One day he sees that a young girl is about to throw herself off the school roof. But he successfully stops her and ends up in a dangerous situation. Because Mirai Kuriyama belongs to the bloodbenders, a very rare class of the spirit world who are hated and persecuted by other supernatural beings. So Akihito gets into this fight by rescuing Mirai and tries to protect her from then on.
I really liked "Beyond the Boundary".
It's not necessarily something new, but the relationships between the individual characters are very well managed, the characters are written quite well with a few exceptions, and the animation is also very well done.