To be honest, I'm surprised this show was even made.
In a couple of months when the full season is out I may come across as a fool and this may be an outstanding piece of comedy television, but based off the first 2 episodes, I am not optimistic. I am confused as to what the hook is to this show, it appears to simply be exaggerated and yet uninteresting events occurring around a beleaguered Odenkirk and his shockingly unmemorable cast of side "characters". Odenkirk does chew through the large majority of lines with a believable animosity towards the world and tempered rage as a man suffering a mid life crisis, but even his good, if not outstanding, performance is not enough to save an essentially premise-less series.
I have not read the source material. I don't know if it has the depth to sustain a series or if this series (so far) is just a weak adaptation. Either way, it needs to improve rapidly and find some grounding in some form of a plot, as so far I have been felt unsatisfied by the episodes that have been released.