Based on an episode of the miniseries "Bite Size Halloween", Appendage is a film clearly inspired by Basket Case and the films of David Cronenberg. The concept has a certain level of originality and something deep oriented to the psychological part of Hannah and her connection to the creature. From the beginning it can be seen that Hannah is someone psychologically unstable and the creature is a kind of manifestation of Hannah's negative feelings to the point of being a doppelganger of her. Hannah's psychological breakdown is a weakness that the creature tries to take advantage of to gain power. In those aspects, it is an interesting story that the film offers. The execution is what means that it may not be to everyone's liking. Maybe the script needed a couple of adjustments due to the creature's limited appearance in order to further deepen its connection with Hannah. Even being a streaming movie, there may have been a couple of limitations. There are moments that are not entirely clear and others that leave loose ends. The truth is that the film proposes returning to the roots of horror cinema from the 80s, approaching the B series. They chose to use practical effects that most of them work, but they are few. The creature design is good, but it looks a little limited and a little CGI would have helped. Furthermore, it seems that they wanted to give personality to the creature with a couple of funny phrases that really don't add anything. The soundtrack is noticeable with a tone similar to 80's horror movies. You can feel an air of David Cronenberg in the atmosphere. Appendage is a film that does quite well as a B-movie and body horror film, but it certainly could have offered much more and delved deeper into the psychological aspect. My final rating for this movie is a 6/10.