I consider myself to be an old soul and lover of an older, outdated way of life. So when I saw the description of this movie, I was very intrigued. For the first half plus of the film, I was rewarded well. The story was moving along and the acting was fairly good. There is some mystery surrounding people and events, but nothing outside of what can be considered normal thought and happenstance. Unfortunately, they waste this great beginning and middle, probably 7 or 8 out of 10 on my scale, for a terrible ending. I won't spoil anything for you, but they lean on weird and "supernatural or surreal" instead of just sticking to what was a great story based in reality. 5 is the highest rating I give to a movie I don't want to watch again. This certainly isn't worth a repeat, but if you're an old soul, maybe give it a gander. Just know they go weird at the end.