Watched the English Dubbed. The anime revolves around a harbor city Ronanapur- center for drugs trade so we have the Triad,Italian mafia, South American drug lords , Russian mafia in the form of X-military paratroopers and of curse Uncle Sam in the form of CIA operatives. Our protagonist- The Black Lagoon company is a group of 4 doing the transportation/pirate/mercenaries business. Took me time to get the hang of the anime, the starting was too fast for me. Wasn't sure where they were going with the story, add the many American/pop culture reference, as a non-American i wasn't getting the hang of the dialogs.Ones the new recruit Rock settled in among the crew of Black Lagoon i really started enjoying. Ones i got the hang of the pace, i really started enjoying the dialogs. They are intelligent, funny and critical - very realistic. The main characters Rock and Revy change there attitude from having fun to being depressed, from being nice guys to being bad without remorse. Loved all the different characters and there are loads of them. This anime has many complicated bad-ass characters who have the presence of being the main protagonist. The detail going into each scene was awesome. One of the few animation were even the background seemed to be worked upon. Work was done on everything making them look very realistic and stylish. The Action is mind blowing and artistic. Its macho and all done by girls. Girls with balls of steel. Really enjoyed roberta's arc in the end,total bad-ass,although the last episode 29 was a bit of disappointment.
Will love some historical arcs on any of the elite citizen of Ronanapur.