A reality show that documents the efforts of part-time ghost hunters. The group of individuals, called TAPS, and led by Grant and Jason, Roto-Rooter Plumbers full-time, are called upon to investigate private homes and public buildings by those who believe they are experiencing supernatural phenomenon. The ghost-hunters employ what they perceive as a scientific approach to investigation of the paranormal. Psychics are seldom in accompaniment and cameras and various other recorders and filming devices are used in the examination of the various sites that the Hunters choose to investigate. Given the minimal amount of "scientific" evidence of haunting that is obtained, it is easy to recognize that the show is not completely staged. In fact, the plugs for Roto Rooter and meetings with family members by the investigators are the only obvious staged filming. Oddly enough, the camera personnel often focus on the TAPS members during moments of supernatural occurrence rather than zooming in on the ghostly activities.
The show has soap opera like qualities as much as soap opera has life-like qualities. The show focuses not only on ghost hunting, but also on the personal squabbles and bickering among TAPS members.
The TAPS members are very down-to-earth, but professional and committed to helping those who are alarmed or curious about potential haunts. Its not long that you become acquainted with the central characters, Brian, Steve, Grant, and Jason, and familiar with their personal pitfalls and strengths.
Occasionally the show manifests its quest for ratings, but seldom delivers anything that will make your heart peak the Richter scale. You will either grow to love or hate the characters, and expect disappointment in the way of ghost investigation after repeated viewing.