I enjoyed this film for what it is - yes, none of it's really that plausible, and yes, it's riddled with as many holes in the plot as there are bullet holes the President's Land Rover. Oh, and yes, it's one sided and terribly patriotic - if you're an American - but remember, it's only a film, and a Hollywood Tinsel Town film at that.
Significantly perhaps, as I watched The President face up to the plot against him, I kept wondering... "what would Donald do in such circumstances?" Let's hope he's not taking notes.
The naysayer membership here at IMDb who gave this film 1/10 are missing the point entirely. Like most of what is spewed out by Hollywood, it's all fiction and fantasy held together by as much implausibility as the producers can get away with, and I think most intelligent audiences will get that.
Ah, but "what about the less intelligent movie goer?" you might ask. Well, dress it up as much as you like and these people will never get the irony of such a picture. They've also probably made up their minds as to who's side they're on anyway - and no liberal, limp-wristed Hollywood alternative will convince them they're backing the wrong team.
So I encourage you to watch "London Has Fallen" if you get the chance, and if you can, enjoy your place in the Free World to make up your own mind...