When Eric Clapton gave us his acoustic version of "Layla", those of us too young to have been blown away by the strength of the original, were delighted and caught off guard by the acoustic, showing the strength of the songwriting. The same here applies, in spades with this peek at how U2 has been re-imagining some of their most beloved songs. They sound good no matter how you slice and dice them when the fundamentals are already so great. It seemed strange to have Letterman in the mix, but he truly is a fan, and we can enjoy his sense of wonder, and believe it. Letterman isn't there out of irony or comedy, he's there to learn more about one of the top 5 rock acts of all time. The piano version of "One" is worth the trip alone. Bono is self-aware here that he's a handful, while The Edge stands out as an endearing elder statesman of rock,